By: Cheryl Garza
Bryan, Ohio
Tap into a sense of unchanging well-being. Meditating on what it means to just can help you feel healthy and whole.
Life, with all its ups and downs, can distract you from experiencing the joy of simply being—a state of body and mind in which you can feel whole, healthy, grounding, and deeply connected to yourself and everything in the cosmos, without the need to fix, change, or heal anything.
Meditation is designed to help you achieve this state–to look past distractions, and experience what already is and always will be harmonious and peaceful about yourself.
In other words, we practice meditation not to become whole, but to connect to our existing wholeness. Our highest self, our most vibrant healthy self that exists within us all always.
It lies deep within us that light that never goes out that burns brightly. When you’re out of touch with this inner peace, you always feel like somethings a miss.
But when you’re in touch with it, you will feel within yourself a constant state of well-being. Wholeness is your birthright. You are innately more than a limited individual; instead, you are spacious, even as you affirm healthy boundaries with yourself and others.
And you’re beyond the limits of thought and time, even as time and space continue. As wholeness, you can feel complete, even as your desire to obtain knowledge and form social relationships continues. Simply put, it is possible to feel fulfilled, even as you strive to do more. With a regular meditation practice, you can learn to call upon this feeling amidst your daily life–while eating, talking, playing, and working.
Knowing and feeling your innate wholeness, especially in the face of day-to-day tasks, is a doorway to true health and well-being. And when you are in touch with your wholeness, other innate aspects of yourself, such as love, kindness, compassion, joy, and peace, naturally arise.
My deepest and greatest wish is for all of us to awaken our highest self within… That is where the true power lies…. My greatest hopes and prayers are that we can all share and encourage each other to live a happier, healthier, vibrant life!!!
Cheryl L Garza A Lady With Alot Of Zeal and yearning to empower, guide, encourage and share all HOLISTIC Wholesome Living with youth-adults. Highly educated, extremely passionate, determined and driven with no doubts… I choose to make the rest of my life the BEST of my Life, I wish that for all as well… Sharing Love & Kindness… 567-239-1960