CO-OP … Lyons Co-Op member Andrea Gleckler speaks to members of the Lyons Village Council about this year’s upcoming farmers’ markets.
By: Jacob Kessler
The Lyons Village Council held their meeting on Monday, February 3rd. The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Visitors from the Lyons Co-Op were then introduced to speak in regard to the farmers’ market that they have been putting on over the past two years.
Andrea Gleckler of the Co-Op stated that the group is interested in keeping the organization going and is looking at new ideas on how to grow its event.
The group is also looking at how the farmers’ market will be run this year. One such item discussed for this was whether or not the event would be taking place during the daytime or evening time. The shifting of hours may also be looked at in order to incorporate more food trucks.
Also discussed was the idea of holding the event more than once a month, if the parking lot area would still be available for use, and the possible inclusion of tables and chairs for people to sit and eat.
Council members put fourth questions to the Co-Op members, such as what time period saw the best response for vendors and if the organization would like to take over the Chicken BBQ.
Gleckler explained that the response seemed somewhat mixed and that the time period will be looked at. As for the Chicken BBQ, the chance for this seemed possible but needed to be researched more.
Following communication with the Co-Op, council moved to discuss several items, including the removal of Christmas trees from the park.
The trees located at Dunbar-Ingall Park were recently removed. Village workers also recently painted and fixed items at the pump house, with painting also taking place at the garage.
A tax bill was recently received for the land acquired from Dollar General. In order to ensure tax bills are not received for this piece in the future. An exempt status change will need to be filed.
Council was then informed that, the money expected to be received for the water tower project for October would no longer be coming.
However, Marcy Kaptur’s office may be looking into giving the project money that it will need to move forward.
Next, the final draft for the new zoning book was received and is being looked at. The handbook was also recently finished, with the only change made as of late being a probationary period for insurance.

Council was then informed that the company working with the village on some of its projects, CT Consultants, was recently acquired by Verdantas.
This company has given the village a quote for a water lines updated asset management plan. The cost of this is $15,000, but with an asset management plan grant of $10,000 available, the amount is brought down to $5,000.
Next, council discussed trees within the village and how a company will be coming in to take care of some of the ones in need of care.
Discussion regarding the possibility of legislation preventing residents from planting a tree in the right-of-way (portion the village is responsible for) was also touched on.
The sheriff’s report was then read, with the department spending 41 hours in the village for a total of five complaints. The meeting was then adjourned at 8:24 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 3rd.