Joe Beck, Stryker Council Member, and Beth Rediger, Stryker Fiscal Officer, introduced a ballot issue to the Stryker Rotary Club on their regular meeting on Tuesday September 8, 2015. The two explained that the money borrowed for the sewer project will be paid off in July of year 2017. The money used to pay off this project comes primarily from a ½% income tax. This tax is a continuing tax where proceeds currently must be used for capital projects. The issue Stryker Village Council is placing on the ballot will request that this existing tax be reallocated to be used in the General Fund once the debt on the sewer project is paid. Over the last several years Stryker Village has seen reductions in many of the sources of revenue for the General Fund. The information they receive on funding is that these lost funds will not be returning, and there is a distinct possibility that addition funding cuts are possible. The Stryker Council sees this as a way they can continue to provide services to the community without increasing the amount of tax paid. Joe and Beth spoke as a guest of Stryker Rotary Member Judy Keller. Pictured from left to right are: Joe Beck, Judy Keller, Beth Rediger.
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