By: Brenna White
The Millcreek – West Unity School District held their Board of Education meeting on Monday, March 10th. The call of order began at 6:00 p.m. and was promptly followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Shortly afterwards the roll call, and all board members were present.
The meeting began with the Superintendent’s report. Mr. Riley introduced the revision of the NEOLA policy and asked anyone with questions to directly email or call him.
He also commented that the press box was still undergoing renovations and was hopeful to have it done in time for the season.
Riley said the 2024 Model Policies for Special Education, which was on the agenda for today, had originally been passed by the Board last month.
However, upon review, there were four points that did not coincide with State or Federal standards. The Board has returned with a revised policy that they planned on addressing tonight.
The HS/JH Principal’s report was given by Mr. Riley as well, as Mr. Cummins was attending a scholarship banquet with a student. Staff had a successful professional development day on the 14th.
Teachers reviewed curriculum maps. Some staff attended the OTC (Ohio Technology Conference) and presented what they had learned upon returning.
Riley congratulated the girls basketball team on becoming district champions and having a great season. He also thanked the staff and FFA members for the FFA breakfast held recently.
Next, the elementary report was given by the elementary principal. He opens with the Valentine’s party, or the Kid’s Heart Challenge, rescheduled to the 19th of February due to weather issues.
Nonetheless, the kids raised $9,100 for the American Heart Association. He thanks everyone who donated to help this cause, as this was a record-breaking achievement.
The Prairie Planting Project was also a success for students. Members from the Toledo Zoo came to the school to teach K-12 about the importance of planting and gardening.
The mobile dentist attended the school on February 21st and 24th. The elementary principal personally recognized Nurse Kristen for organizing a replacement as their usual dentist backed out months prior. They helped 24 students, and planned on returning in April.
The Board then introduced head football coach Nathan Massie to the meeting, Massie took the time to discuss the current state and future vision of the school’s football program.
He mentions the focus of his staff was to ensure the long term success of student athletes and recognized the progress they have made in the last few years.

Massie says they have increased their player retention to about 90%. Their team eligibility rate is now 97%. The team has set records for offensive yards this year as well.
The coaches are anticipating more improvement in the coming year by introducing helpful programs to the students. This includes a monthly leadership lunch, weekly “Manhood Thursdays,” and several books addressing what it means to be a leader.
The focus is on providing skills outside of sports to help create more well-rounded individuals. They hope that students can apply what they have learned to better their sport.
Many coaches were in attendance at the meeting to show their support for all of Hilltop. They agree with Massie’s findings, stating that their main goal is to build young men and women that are prepared for what life will bring them.
Mrs. Jones moved onto the Consent Agenda. Jones moved to approve the March Consent Agenda as presented. Chester seconded the motion. Unanimously, it approved:
-Non-renewal of all 2024-2025 supplemental contracts at the end of the school year.

-The minutes, financial statements, and investments from the February 2025 Board of Education Meeting.
-Service agreement with the NW Ohio Educational Service Center for $429.982.87 for FY26. 354,982.87, which is 75% of the estimated costs, will be a foundation deduction spread over 24 payments ORC 3313.845, with the remainder to be billed at the end of the year.
-Payment for student travel expenses, up to $1,200 each to attend the following Science Fairs: International Science and Engineering Fair in Columbus, Ohio: Julia Dickinson and Arend Schuurman, May 10-16; Genius Olympiad in Rochester, New York: Arend Schuurman, June 9-13.
-Participation in the OHI Charter Workers’ Compensation Group Rating Program for the 2026 policy year.
-Dock Days for Sandy Carpenter: April 24-25, 2025.
-Curriculum for the 2024-2025 school year.

-Overnight stays for HS band and choir students traveling to Cleveland and Cedar Point: May 8-9, 2026.
-2025-2026 membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association for grades 7-12.
-Approved the donation of the Hilltop Class of 1962. They donated the book, “Who’s our Caddy?” by Rick Reilly, to the high school Library in memory of Andrew Altman. Also pass ed was the grant from the Margaret Ann Reynolds Raizik Scholarship Fund, a fund of Collaboratory in the amount of $15,942.42.
The Board moved on to the 2024 Model Policies for Special Education. Wieland moved to rescind the previous policy passed in February and approved the newest version with slight modifications. Mahlman seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Malhman moved to approve the hiring of Leslieann Wheeler for 7-8 grade math. Approved years of service requirements in excess of current policy limits due to urgent need. Chester seconded the motion. Motion passed. `
Following that, Malhman moved to approve the participation in the 2025 Williams County Youth Health Needs Survey for students in grades 6-12. Layman seconded the motion. Motion passed.

The Energy Renewal agreement was moved for approval by Wieland. It included the Power 4 Schools Energy Renewal Agreement for discounted energy rate through Engie Resources, LLC from July 2025 through June 2027. Malhman seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Board member Mr. Chester thanked all of the coaches for their hard work and presence at the meeting.
Mahlman moved to adjourn the meeting, with Chester seconding, and the Millcreek – West Unity School Board meeting ended at 6:34pm.