The students at Four County Career Center’s Early Childhood Education class recently held Preschool Graduation for children enrolled during the 2015-2016 school year. The children performed favorite songs and fingerplays learned throughout the school year for parents and grandparents in attendance. Shown at the graduation are (FRONT – LEFT TO RIGHT) Bailey Barton (Napoleon); Tatum Barton (Napoleon); Briggs Zartman (Antwerp); Ruby Brywczynski (Whitehouse); Lucas Helberg (Napoleon); Aubree Vandock (Delta); Tristan Bagrowski (Wauseon); Isaac Meyer (Cecil); (BACK – LEFT TO RIGHT) Kellen Hurst (Defiance); Landain Rinehammer (Upper Sandusky); Meyta Hieber (Deshler); Nathan Gambler (Bryan); Parker Niese (New Bavaria); Ava Steingass (Defiance); and Lucy Mendoza (Wauseon).
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