By: James Pruitt
Officer Scott Wilson reported the new patrolman, Rathge is progressing with his training and is about halfway through with the program.
Village Administrator Randy Mahlman said the chip and seal will be complete after the fog seal is applied.
He reported new steel trash lids have been made to replace the old plastic lids for cans in the village. This should eliminate blowing and breaking of lids, he said.
Another leak was fixed at the water treatment plant. Mahlman said he met with Denny Bell and the water treatment plans should be ready to submit to the EPA by the end of the month.
Mahlman said while the mister engine may be running all the time when spraying for mosquitoes, the chemical is not always being dispersed. This applies for games at Walz Park and the Dairy Treat during business hours. The chemical is not dangerous.
In other news, the village levy will remain at 2 mills following council’s decision to accept the amounts and rates determined by the budget commission.
Council reviewed a proposed web and social media policy.
Residents will above ground pools will not be forced to build a wall around their units.
James Pruitt may be reached at