The Edon Northwest Board of Education met in regular session on Tuesday, December 13, 2016, in the school media center.
In the Consent Agenda the Board approved the following items:
1. The minutes from the November 8, meeting.
2. Financial Reports for November 2016.
3. Request for Amended Certificate from County Auditor.
4. Renewal of three year contract with Sammy L. Stamm & Company for preparing the District’s cash basis annual financial report.
5. Early graduation for Christian Shonk pending satisfactory completion of present course work and OGT results per Board Policy 5408.
6. Twenty-three Board Policy Revisions from NEOLA, including clarifying fundraising policies. The intention is to develop a composite list of all the fundraisers and dates they are conducted to make sure there is no overlap in fundraising. Additionally all fundraisers must be proposed to and approved by the superintendent.
Treasurer, Deb Nester reported that for the year expenses are up by $149,000, but revenues are up by $276,000, compared to last November. She also shared the District is receiving a refund of $20,306 from the NWOESC for provided services overcharge. Dr. Granger thanked the NWOESC for their transparency in this matter.
High School Principal Anthony Stevens reported:
1. State Board of Education is removing the point requirement for the Senior Graduation Test and developing a Task Force to look into alternatives.
2. The ACT test will be offered free of charge for juniors in the Spring of 2017. All juniors, except those who are alternately assessed, will be required to the test. Those alternately assessed can take the test if parents request them to.
3. Met with John Kaylor from NEOLA on policy revisions.
4. Discussed recent events and thanked those involved for their efforts.
5. Recognized Taylor Moran as Junior High, and Taylor Brown as High School Students of the Month.
Elementary Principal Michelle Molargik reported:
1. Third grade test results will be released on December 30, 2016, with interventions to follow in preparation for Spring testing.
2. Thanks to all who attended Grandfriend’s Day as over 400 people participated, as well as all those staff members and students who helped make this a special day.
Superintendent John Granger discussed three areas that the Buildings and Grounds Committee were considering, as well as other items in his Superintendent’s Report:
1. Parking lot repair – The Board has a few options. It was decided that chip and sealing was not a long term solution. The lot can be paved for approximately $470,000, if done all at once. Another option is to do the project over 2 years (Summer 2017 & Summer 2018). This would cost a little more. The committee is going to seek further input and discuss again at the January meeting.
2. Expanding the Weight Room – Currently there is $55,000 from an anonymous donor in a fund for this. It was recommended that the school work with the Edon Athletic Boosters on this project as well.
3. Transportation needs – The committee is considering getting rid of one van and purchasing a mini-bus that will transport more than 6 people.
4. Jessica Sliwinski is resigning as Varsity Volleyball Coach.
5. Enrollment is currently at 551 students, which is the same as the first week of school.
In action items the following were addressed:
1. Set the date for the Board Organizational Meeting for Tuesday, January 10, 2017, at 5 pm, and elected Jamie Schaffter as President Pro-Tem.
2. Accepted the resignation of Paul Ledyard and Karen Wilson.
3. Approved the Dual Sport Policy. This will allow students to participate in more than one sport at a time. The policy requires the athletes to designate a primary sport. Before dual sport participation is approved, the athlete is required to meet with both coaches involved as well as the athletic director and principal.
4. Approved the 2017-2018 school calendar. The first day for students will be August 17, 2017, and last day will be May 24, 2018. Graduation will be held on May 27, 2018.
The Board entered in to Executive Session at 6:10 pm to discuss personnel and employment with no further action taken. The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 10, 2017. The organizational meeting will begin at 5 pm, with the regular meeting set to start at 5:30 pm.
Kent Hutchison can be reached at