West Liberty, Ohio – February 10, 2025 – March is coming! What does that mean, exactly? For many, it means Spring and hopefully warm, sunny days are here to stay.
It also means many schools will soon be on Spring Break, and you’re most likely searching for new ways to keep your children entertained. Well, we have just the place for you to visit!
The Ohio Caverns, “America’s Most Colorful Caverns,” lies beneath the rolling hills of west central Ohio. The surrounding rural countryside doesn’t represent a typical tourist area.
Rather than rows of roadside attractions and bumper-to-bumper traffic, visitors wandering the quiet country roads are more likely to see a true representation of rural Ohio.
Once you arrive at the caverns, however, you’ll be introduced to a unique underground world and its natural splendor.
Wandering the caverns’ passages is like taking a trip through geological time, viewing the limestone caverns as they were created thousands of years ago.
A single drop of water glistens on the tip of a pure white stalactite deep inside Ohio Caverns. In time (a few minutes or possibly hours), the drop will fall, leaving a tiny trace of calcite. Eventually, that drop will be replaced by another drop.
This process, a blend of stone, water, and time, created the beauty of the stalactites and stalagmites viewed throughout the cavern today.
Ohio Caverns was discovered in 1897 on a farmer’s property. The cavern was found by a 17-year-old farmhand who was working in a wooded area when he noticed the disappearance of water into what is referred to as a “sinkhole.”
It was through this sinkhole that he first ventured into the cavern. It is also believed that this was the first time man entered the Ohio Caverns.
Over a hundred and twenty years of tourists visiting the cavern represent only seconds of the cavern’s life. Thousands of years ago, subterranean water eroded the limestone passages that are present today.
No attempt has been made to give a precise age of the cavern or its formations. This is primarily true because the water flow and mineral deposits probably varied through the ages.
One can only estimate the caverns’ age range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years. However old the cavern and formations are, it is clear that their creation took a very long time, they are irreplaceable, and a moment of carelessness or mismanagement could destroy them.
Once inside, the tour takes you through a series of passages, concluding with viewing four large rooms. It’s in these rooms that most of the crystallization is present.
Tour guides explain the various aspects of stalactites, stalagmites, soda straws, helactites, and flowstones as you pass along the well-lighted walkways.

One of the many highlights of the tour is Crystal King, which is the largest stalactite in the state of Ohio. However, it is best known for its pure white color and perfect conical shape.
The Ohio Caverns is acclaimed as “America’s Most Colorful Caverns” due primarily to a variety of minerals contained within the limestone.
In the same process that water forms the crystal formations through mineral deposits, it also produces many colors throughout the cavern. Iron deposits bring about brilliant yellows, oranges, and reds, staining the limestone corridors throughout.
Manganese deposits give darker coloration, such as purple, blue, and black. Combined with pure white crystallization, these colors provide a visitor with a unique contrast of natural coloration.
Ohio Caverns is a private, family-owned business. Ownership goes to great lengths to protect the delicate cavern environment so future generations can view it as it was first observed in 1897.
This is an ongoing process with the goal of keeping Ohio Caverns as one of Ohio’s outstanding natural attractions.

Ohio Caverns is an all-weather attraction and is open year-round. Tours are guided and take approximately one hour. The temperature remains at a constant 54 degrees throughout the year.
Tours are educational and allow the public to see the wonderful world of underground beauty. Photography is welcome!
Many conveniences are provided for your comfort and recreation. A 35-acre well-maintained park is located directly above the cavern and contains a playground, two picnic shelter houses, and other picnic areas.
A large rock and souvenir shop is located within the visitor center building, and it contains a wide variety of minerals, fossils, and other merchandise characteristic of this wonderful natural attraction.
Gem mining bags are also available to purchase in the gift shop. There is an outdoor sluice or, if the weather is cold, an indoor sluice to use to pan out the gem bags for different gemstones, fossils, and even arrowheads.
Visit https://ohiocaverns.com/ to plan your adventure.