FIRST PLACE SPELLING BEE WINNER … Eighth-grader Brady Culler took home 1st Place after competing in the Fulton County Spelling Bee.
By: Amy Wendt
The Archbold Board of Education met on March 18 at the High School Media Center with Gina Benecke, Skeat Hug, Tyson Stuckey, Karen Beck, and Jeremy Hurst present.
Elementary Principal Andrea Thiel, Middle School Principal Matt Shields, High School Principal Royal Short, Curriculum Director Michele Bagrowski, Treasurer Joyce Kinsman, and Superintendent Jayson Selgo were also on hand to discuss district topics.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Principal Shields along with Superintendent Selgo took a moment to recognize middle school students Dru Gansmiller, Linus Kunesh, Kaydence Prosser, Jack Weber, and Brady Culler for their achievements at this year’s Fulton County Spelling Bee.
As a part of the Consensus Agenda, a purchase agreement contract with Tubby’s Retirement LLC for the acquisition of property located at Blue Streak Drive Archbold, OH 43502 was given the green light by the board.
According to the superintendent’s report, “the district will be moving forward with the acquisition of property to the north of our current football practice fields and south of the residences on Park St. This property will provide valuable space for future use on the Lafayette campus.”
In elementary school news, Principal Thiel shared that kindergarten registration is underway for the 2024-2025 school year. As of March 13, 97 new students have registered compared to 79 at this same time last year.
On March 4, AES students were invited to “Party with Ms. Martie” from the Archbold Community Library at the family literacy night.
NHS and Leadership class high school students volunteered to lend a helping hand where needed at the event.
The Book Fair held from February 29 to March 8 was also successful with many staff members pitching in to help it run smoothly.
Thiel also offered congratulations to the February Students of the Month who were recognized for going above and beyond to demonstrate the “We Are Connected” mindset and the character trait of teamwork.
Elementary students receiving the award for February included: Brenex Baden, JD Holdgreve, Macoy Miller, Gemma Garcia, Klay Zamora, Anna Sanchez-Marsh, Blaizlee Wurster, Alden Crites, Layton Stuckey, Erie Curry, Karlie Gruenhagen, Tripp Dominique, Mila Gors, Brody Wyse, Claudia Schmucker, Elijah Mendez, Zeb Hurst, Noah Stasa, Devin Beck, Kensely Culler, Reese Culler, Casen Wyse, Alexa Glore, Brennan Vandock, Titus Frey, and Joseph Gibson.
Sharing items of interest from the middle school, Principal Shields recognized the following AMS Mindset Leaders for exemplifying an “Attitude of Gratitude” in February: Trevor Yoder, Dawsyn Martinez, Jaxson DeVries, Aaliyah Pena, Clara Wilson, Adelaida Hernandez, Maci Cox, Ava Hamm, Brooklyn Morrow, Eliana Nafziger, Levi Ward, Walker Armstrong, Briella Nafziger, Kendall Liechty, Reece Bunke, Zac Castellano, and Harrison Rohrs.
Shields also offered gratitude to Mr. Rob Mahnke, Mr. Kevin (“Sci-fi”) Miller, and Mrs. Andi Nafziger who will be retiring after many years of service at AMS.
According to the Middle School Report, internal transfers have been approved to fill vacancies left by some of these educators and the external recruitment and interview process for the remaining positions is in progress.
Middle school updates were also offered by Shields regarding the upcoming 8th grade Washington DC trip, the Manufacturing Day, Youth Summit, Quiz Team, and Read Across America Day.
Principal Short took a moment to share high school highlights with the Board noting that small groups from Mrs. Andrea Oyer’s Government classes are taking part in a Civil Engagement Project that is designed to help “promote competent and responsible participation in local, state, and federal government.”
He also shared that Tayanna Bagrowski was awarded the Franklin B Walters Scholarship for completing an essay about Mrs. Oyer, a teacher who inspired her.
The spring high school musical, “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” was presented on March 22-24 featuring a cast of 30 high school students, and 30 middle school students.
The junior class has been working diligently to prepare for the Junior and Senior Prom “Under the Sea” which will be held on April 27.
The special evening will include walk-ins at the high school, dinner and dancing at Founder’s Hall, and after-prom activities.
On April 26, the Senior Citizen Luncheon will be returning to AHS and it is anticipated that high school musical groups will perform and other student activity groups will be pitching in to make the day a success for all in attendance.
Short also shared that all 9th-grade students and select 12th-grade students were recently trained in CPR. During the month of February, the AHS FCCLA collected personal care items for the Archbold FISH pantry and students helped stock the pantry shelves over spring break.
As spring is a busy time of the year for testing in all buildings, Mrs. Bagrowski provided the board with a brief update as well as a schedule of upcoming tests for all levels.
Treasurer Joyce Kinsman submitted the General Fund Analysis, Cash Reconciliation, Investment, Cash Summary, Financial Report by Fund Monthly Disbursement, and Monthly Receipts Reports to the Board for review.
In the Consensus Agenda, the board approved the February 26, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes along with the February 2024 Financial Reports.
Also approved was the 2024-2025 agreement with NWOESC for instructional services and participation in the OHI Charter Workers’ Compensation Group Rating Program for the 2025 policy year.
The board ok’d a fund transfer of $1,920.11 from the General Fund to the Turbine Maintenance Fund. Appropriation modifications and Estimated Resource Changes in the accounts of HS Principals Fund Concessions, Wellness Program Awards, OneNet Network Connectivity, Title I FY24, Title II-A FY24, IDEA-B FY24, and ECSE FY24 were also approved. The district also accepted donations from various sources in the amount of $5,245.
Overnight trips were approved for the 2024-2025 school year including a New York City trip for the band and choir on November 22 – 25, 2024, and also a trip to Ireland for the FFA on June 22 – July 1, 2025.
In personnel matters, the board adopted substitute teacher and substitute paraprofessional lists provided by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center for the 2023-2024 school year as presented.
The board accepted the retirement resignation of Dina Gladieux effective May 31, 2024, and Ann Dominique effective June 1, 2024.
One-year contracts were granted to Jill Martinez as a Grade Level High Dosage Tutor for the 2023-2024 school year, effective March 4, 2024, and Tanner Wyse (50%) and Toby Walker (50%) to serve 9th Grade Baseball Coach for the current school year.
Salary schedule placements were approved for Jamie Zagarella, Kelly Boulton, and Michele Gladieux who have taken additional education courses.
The board also approved administrative salary increases for the 2024-2025 school year. Per Superintendent Selgo’s report to the board, “This recommendation comes after approving the 2024-25 increases for both Certified and Classified staff. The increase for administrators mirrors the other respective groups.”
The next Archbold Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, April 22 at 5:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center.