TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK … Every student plays a role in getting everything organized, sorted, and packaged. (PHOTO BY AMY WENDT, STAFF)
By: Amy Wendt
‘Tis the season for giving gift baskets and the Archbold FFA was hard at work putting them together on Wednesday, December 7 as a part of their annual Fruit Sale Fundraiser.
According to Ryan Sell, FFA Advisor and Ag Teacher at Archbold High School, the fruit sale is a standard fundraiser for many FFA Chapters in Ohio.
“We all use the same 4-5 vendors and have a state-wide sale date. A number of the vendors contribute a portion of our sales to the Ohio FFA Foundation, which is the fundraising organization of the FFA; and that is a vital component in their budget each year.”
In addition to selling apples, oranges, and fruit baskets, students also sold smoked turkeys, meats, cheeses, and nuts.
“When the items arrive from the vendors, every student in every class plays a role in getting everything organized, sorted, and packaged,” added Mr. Sell.
This year’s fundraiser brought in $33,500 and the sale prices are calculated to maintain a 30% profit margin for the organization.
Money received from the sale is then used to finance all of the activities the chapter participates in; community service, travel and registration for conventions and conferences, the end-of-year FFA Banquet, summer programming, expenses for monthly meetings, registration fees for contests, maintaining the animal science facility at the school, and producing crops from the chapter’s fields.
Each fall, the FFA class holds the Ag Business BBQ for local companies that support the program.
The students raise the chickens in the school barn, have them processed, and prepare and cook them. This year 300 meals were delivered to businesses in the community.
Fundraiser proceeds are also used to help offset the costs for students to attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ohio FFA Convention in Columbus, the Washington Leadership Conference in Washington DC, and FFA camp over the summer.
According to Sell, “we conduct a number of service activities throughout the year.”
The chapter has made significant contributions to Fulton County Christmas Cheer over the years, conducted activities for local families fighting childhood cancer, and has also used the funds to donate projects and materials for the Girls’ Night Out Relay for Life Charity Auction.
Amy can be reached at