CLERK TREASURER’S REPORT … Bryan Board of Public Affairs, beginning on the left at the July 19, 2022 meeting, Tom Sprow, Karen Ford, Dick Long, Vice Chair Annette Schreiner and Chairman Jim Salsbury, along with Director of Utilities Nathan Gardner, Bryan Mayor Carrie Schlade, and Attorney Rhonda Fisher thanked Clerk Treasurer Laura Rode for the great work on getting the insurance rates down, along with others involved. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
As a part of the July 19, 2022 board meeting of the BPA, Derek Schultz, Operations Manager of Bryan Municipal Utilities, announced the retirement of Kevin Vollmar who has worked as a mechanic for the company for the past 35 years.
“His abilities and skills have been a huge asset and a huge savings,” he said. His last day of work with be December 30, 2022. All board members and staff commented on what a vital part of BMU he has been, even mentioning memories of when he and his dad both worked together. “We hate to see him go,” and “He will be a tough guy to replace,”
Schultz also requested permission to post for the position of an Equipment Maintenance position so that the new hire can have a few months of training with Vollmer before his retirement goes into effect. The Board approved his request.
The meeting began with the approval of the minutes for the July 5, 2022 and the Clerk Treasurer’s report. A resolution to establish the employee Annual premium rate for health insurance was also approved.
Mayor Carrie Schlade presented the resolution to the board “with thanks to Mike Kurivial and his team and the city team for the work that was done.” It began at 16% and they got it down to 6%.
Laura Rode added that the averages for the past five years have been 3.89% and over the past ten years at 3.593%, so they are “trending well below the national average.” Schlade said Bryan City
Council had passed it the night before and she asked that the board pass it as well. This rate begins on September 1, 2022.
Board thanked them all for negotiating and doing such a great job to bring it down, before approval was given.
The Board accepted the voluntary resignation of a Clerk Treasurer’s employee, effective July 7, 2022. Due to an upcoming retirement in August, Clerk Treasurer Laura Rode requested permission to hire Melissa Leupp as an Account Clerk II.
Rode said she would “bring 25 years of accounts receivable and customer service skills to the team. She also has experience with HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) and NOCAC (Northwest Ohio Community Action) to assist customers who use those benefits.” The board gave approval.
Permission was also given to post for a Power Plant Operator position as it had been put on hold in December. “As it takes four or five years to train for this position, we feel now is the time to start,” Schultz said when making the request.
Approval was given to pay the bills and BPA and staff spent a few moments welcoming the new hire and congratulating the retiree.
It was expressed that they hope the posts are filled with great people. Nate Gardner, Director of Utilities, shared the information that the Water Plant Generator was switched on during a simulated outage, and it worked great.

He mentioned that during the high temperatures coming, there would be some Peak Shaving times to help bring the electricity rates down.
Mayor Schlade commented concerning the water tower, that city council approved appropriations.
For the interactive fountains, she said that they have been installed, with a few kinks still being worked out. The lights turn on from 6-11 p.m., with the fountains running from 11 to 11 each day. Water shoes are encouraged.
One of the biggest obstacles was the decision to recycle water, which is an efficient decision, but one that took a little longer to get approval.
Later she said that dog walkers are welcome to take their dogs through the fountains to cool off and there is no age limit on people who can enjoy them.
Schultz reported that on Monday, July 25, 2022, the replacement on East Bryan St. of 700 feet of 12” water main would begin and be nice to get completed.

Rebecca can be reached at