STATE OF CITY … The Kiwanis Club of Bryan hosted Bryan Mayor Carrie Schlade as its featured speaker at its noon meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at the Bryan Moose Lodge. Mayor Schlade shared with the group her State of the City Report. The mayor also showed the organizational chart of the city’s departments and directors and gave a brief overview of their duties and responsibilities. The City of Bryan currently employs 133 people, and its total annual budget is $56,747,811. The city received project grants totaling $2,679,734.61. City projects slated for this year include planning and zoning code updates, Amtrack Station upgrades, ongoing road improvements, sewer upgrades, the Lincoln Park Inclusive Playground, and wastewater plant improvements. The Kiwanis Club of Bryan meets every Wednesday at 12 noon at the Bryan Moose Lodge. New members are always welcome. Pictured are program host Dave Schumm, left, and Bryan Mayor Carrie Schlade.