By: Jenna Frisby
Bryan City School District Board of Education held their regular meeting on Monday, May 13th at 6:00 p.m. at the Bryan Elementary Commons.
Present at the meeting were all board members: Ben Camarillo, President Deb Opdycke, Dustin Schlachter, Vice President Caleb Turnbull, and Lynn Wieland; administrators: Superintendent Mark Rairigh, Kevin Schafer, Elementary Principal Kasey Thormier, Director of Special Education Julie Taylor, and Assistant Superintendent Chad Bassett; as well as four guests from the community.
The meeting began with the approval of the minutes from the April 8th regular board meeting. Lynn Wieland moved with Dustin Schlachter seconding the motion.
Kasey Thormeier delivered the elementary report, Julie Taylor gave the secondary report. Chad Basset reported on curriculum. And Ben Camarillo presented the Four County report.
The treasurer’s report followed with financial recommendations for: the monthly financial report, amended permanent appropriations for FY24, five year forecast and assumptions, healthcare process and consulting agreement for FY25, authorization to advertise milk bids for FY25, Julian & Grub compilation agreement for FY 24-26, authorization to participate in all Federal programs for the 2024-2025 school year including federal grants, and donations that were given by Grace Cares of $500 for kids school lunches. Caleb Turnbull moved for approval and Ben Camarillo seconded the motion.
Under old business, Mark Rairigh gave updates in regards to Phase 2 of the Community Athletics Capital Improvement Project, the STEM and Innovation Center, and the Brownfield Grant.
With no new business to present the meeting moved on to recommendations. Recommendations were made for the following: the class of 2024 graduates (contingent upon their completion of studies as required by BCS and the State of Ohio), a Graduate 22+ Diploma for Jeffrey Boyd, approval of lunch prices for the 2024-2025 school year (Adult $4.10, 6-12 student $3.70, PK-5 student $3.45, breakfast $1.95, milk $0.50), approval of the 2024-2025 K-12 student handbook, approval of the 2024-2025 preschool handbook, approval of the 2024-2025 athletic handbook, NWOESC Mentor Program 2024-2025, and the tennis overnight trip in August 2024 – the Norwalk Doubles Tournament. Dustin Schalchter motioned for approval and Lynn Wieland seconded the notion.
Policy items then brought to the table with concern of the NEOLA policy updates of a second reading were student assessment, the third grade guarantee, employment of substitutes, certified staff termination and resignation, employment contract, classified staff termination and resignation, health services, transportation, bus driver certification, transportation (non-routine), transportation by vehicles (van), and incidental transportation by private vehicle. Ben Camarillo motioned, and Caleb Turnbull seconded the motion for approval.
Personal recommendations were then presented. A one-year limited teacher contract effective for the 2024-2025 school year for Nicole Meyer. Classified resignation of Christopher Staup, elementary head custodian effective 4/10/2024. Classified retirement of Jeffrey Panico, bus driver, effective 5/24/2024.
New hired certified staff for the 2024-2025 school year of Edwin Loren Stratton as head elementary custodian, with 3 years experience, effective 4/29/2024.
A new hire athletic coach for the 2024-2025 school year of Jacob Parker as head boys basketball coach, effective 4/25/2024. IT student summer workers for the 2023-2024 season of Elijah Cummins and Josiah Cummins.
Student video workers for the 2024-2025 school year of Khristopher Alspaugh, Florence Jones, Dominic Malanga, Christopher Clemens, Wesley Lupo, and Gabriella Malanga. Summer school education staff of Eric Ruffer, summer school math teacher.
The non-renewal of 2023-2024 academic supplemental contracts of non-certified staff, those being: Lora Knight (choir accompanist, spring musical accompanist), Emily Knight (drama/play fall director), Lora Knight (assistant drama director), Bernie Davis (fall & spring set director), Marissa Lupo (junior class advisor).
The non-renewal of the 2023-2024 athletic spring contracts of non-certificated staff: Adam Wheeler (assistant baseball), Kyle Rupp (assistant baseball), Kraig Bostelman (assistant baseball), Eli Tressler (assistant baseball), Jarred Kepler (assistant baseball), Brian Arnold (assistant softball), Paula Fry (assistant softball), Josh Montgomery (assistant track), Owen Potvin (assistant track), and Colin Hoene (JH track). Lynn Wieland then motioned for approval with ben Camarillo seconding that motion.

Lastly, the board addressed the approval of the 2023-2024 school year volunteer of Ben Camarillo (band). Caleb Turnbull then moved for the motion to be granted and Dustin Schlachter seconded.
The board then discussed the dates of the Senior Scholarship Night on Monday, May 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the high school gymnasium and of graduation on Sunday, May 26th at 2:00 p.m. in the high school gymnasium.
Lynn Wieland then motioned for the board to enter an executive session to discuss the employment of employees. Ben Camarillo seconded the motion. Executive session was entered at 7:12 p.m. and the board exited executive session at 8:42 p.m. Deb Opdycke then adjourned the meeting.
The next Board of Education Meeting will take place at the Bryan Elementary Commons on June 10th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.