DECEMBER SPOTLIGHT AWARD Pictured are Jason and Carrie King left owners of Holly Jolly Christmas Shop and Mill District Deli and Ann Spangler Bryan Development
To recognize local investment in buildings, landscaping, events, and other improvements, Bryan Development (BD) has created a monthly “Spotlight Award.” December’s recipient is Holly Jolly Christmas Shop’s Christkindl chalets.
Holly Jolly’s owners, Jason and Carrie King, joined the Christkindl Market vendors in 2022, and this year rented two chalets. One chalet features beautiful Polish ornaments and illuminated snow globes, the other offers Mr. Bird birdseed houses and all natural dog treats.
As is well known, the Kings have made a sizable investment in downtown West Unity with a collection of Christmas retail stores and now a full service deli, Mill District Deli.
While very busy operating this enterprise, they still find time to contribute to Bryan’s Christkindl Market, which is a win-win for Bryan and West Unity.
Russ Davies, Bryan Development President says “The Kings and their friendly team create Christmas magic in all they do. Their investment in both West Unity and the Christkindl Market of Bryan is putting Williams County on the map as a must-do Christmas destination.”
Bryan Development’s mission is to enrich the community by encouraging economic activity, preservation and community pride.
The BD presents the Spotlight Award to a resident, business, industry, or institution that has invested in new construction, preservation, restoration or beautification efforts, in Bryan.
Spotlight Award recipients are recognized by Bryan Development with a plaque and through social media and local news outlets. The community is encouraged to submit Spotlight Award Nominations at developbryan@gmail.com.