At the Wednesday, April 21, 2021 Board meeting, Delta students who were recommended by the building principals and staff. Miley Chadwick 2nd Grade, Jayda Hanely 5th grade, Delaney Whitaker 9th grade and Sara Benoit 12 Grade at FCCC were given awards.
Also recognized were students who have participated and wind awards in History Day, Destination Imagination and Athletics.
In regular business the board approved the minutes for the prior meeting, the agenda for the present, correspondence from the treasurer and superintendent and the treasurer’s report. Also approved were the following items in the Superintendent’s report:
-Classified Resignations of Adam Ruby as District Maintenance Technician, effective March 29, 2021 and Zachary Miller as Network Technician/Auditorium Manager, effective April 2, 2021
-Classified Contract Non renewal of Mary Harrison, El District Aide, at conclusion of her one year contract
-Hourly Contract for Morvin Dixon as Auditorium Manager Retroactive to March 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021
-BOE Policy updates
-Outside Contract of Preschool Psychologist agreement with Patricia Hyland to provide services at a rate of $85 hr. For 21-22 school year
-Overnight trip to Kalahari for After Prom
Reports were heard from Building principals and Board members were given discussion time before adjournment.