LIQUIDITY PROBLEMS Necessary repairs and upgrades to Deltas water plant seen here are just one set of factors that led to the village council approving an increase in the villages water and sewer rates
By: Jesse Davis
Delta residents’ water and sewer bills are set to rise after the Village Council voted for the change in the face of major system needs.
The water rate, currently $3.93/100 cubic feet plus a $31 base fee, will increase to $9 for customers in the village and $15 for those in the county.
The sewer rate, currently $4.24/100 cubic feet plus a $13.48 base fee, will increase to $8.50 and $12.75 for village and county residents, respectively. The base fees were not changed. The new rates will go into effect in September.
Ordinances usually require passage on three hearings, but the council voted prior to hearing the matter to consider it an emergency and authorize its final passage with just two.
The change was deemed necessary in order to ensure both rate changes take place at the same time.
A concern for the possibility of damage to toe drains and even a slight chance of catastrophic failure appear to have been allayed with regard to an easement for power line installation in the area of the Delta Reservoir.
A resolution to repeal the previous agreement with the contractor was still approved by the council, but for the purpose of giving Village Administrator Andy Glenn more time to negotiate before an upgraded agreement is prepared.
Glenn said he is confident the new agreement will cover all potential site safety issues necessary to maintain council support.
The council approved on first reading a series of supplemental appropriations for the current fiscal year, which ends with the calendar year.
The appropriations included $51,071.02 of general funds, $6,500 in park funds, $28,805.79 in fire funds, $5,172.47 in sewer funds, and $36,304.37 in water plant filter funds.
Councilor Chad Johnson updated the council on removal and replacement plans for the Delta pool.
According to Johnson, the Park Board received an estimate to repair the existing pool which came in at $800,000, not including updates to the pool house that would also then be necessary.
The board voted 3-1 to demolish and fill the existing pool in order to pursue a new pool facility at a lower overall cost at a different location.
Johnson said the change of location will also allow new ball field layout options. The village already has new pool facility design plans prepared unless a lesser option is eventually sought due to cost or other reasons.
The council requested Johnson go back to the board and have them request an additional estimate for the demolition after it already received one for $70,000. There is currently about $144,000 in the village’s pool fund.
Jesse can be reached at jesse@thevillagereporter.com