NEW MAYOR SWORN IN Delta Village Council member and Vice Mayor Ashley Todd swears in new Mayor Allen Naiber who defeated sitting Mayor Frank Wilton in the November 2023 election
By: Jesse Davis
Delta’s new mayor was sworn in at the first 2024 meeting of the Delta Village Council on Tuesday, January 2.
Allen Naiber, who defeated sitting Mayor Frank Wilton 550 votes to 421, was sworn in by council member and Vice Mayor Ashley Todd. Todd was unanimously voted to remain vice mayor by council members later in the meeting.
Immediately after being sworn in, Naiber then swore in returning council members Lynn Frank, Anthony Dawson, and Chad Johnson.
New council member Daphne Demaline was sworn in during the last meeting of 2023 after being selected by the council to fill the seat of Arthur Thomas after his unexpected resignation. Naiber is a firefighter and EMT for the Delta Community Fire Department.
The only item of business handled at the meeting was an ordinance establishing 2024 wages for certain village employees.
According to Village Administrator Andy Glenn, the changes were for village employees hired just before or shortly after the council passed wage adjustments last July, and gave them the three percent cost of living adjustments they missed due to the timing of their employment.
Council members approved the measure, also voting to make it effective immediately and not require further readings.
The next council meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 16.