RESIGNATION ACCEPTED The resignation of Superintendent Kermit Riehle was accepted by the Edgerton Board of Education Riehle will be taking leave until his resignation takes effect on January 3 2023
By: Anna Wozniak
The Edgerton Board of Education met on Monday, December 18, 2023 at 6 p.m. Present were members Lyn Bowsher, Amanda Giesige, Nick Hig, Robert Siebenaler, and Bill Swank, as were Treasurer / CFO Bill Blakely, Jr / Sr High Principal Ben Wilhelm, and Elementary Principal Brett Grieser.
The November meeting minutes were then approved as presented before the Board entered into executive session at 6:03 p.m.
Upon returning to regular session at 7:03 p.m., they voted 4-1 to accept the resignation of Superintendent Kermit Riehle, effective January 3rd. While his resignation is not effective until January, he is on leave for the remainder of his time.
While there are rumors going around as to why Riehle so suddenly gave his resignation, nothing has been confirmed by Edgerton officials at this time.
The treasurer’s agenda was approved as presented, including a reduction on the school’s bond millage, which should help adjust for the upcoming tax increase expected after property evaluations.
The treasurer’s recommendations were approved as presented, which included the financial reports and investments, OSBA membership dues, and certifying the budget commission tax levies amounts and rates.
The regular session for January 2 was canceled, with the Board instead scheduling a private organizational meeting.
It was then shared that 177 shoe boxes were collected for 2023 Operation Christmas Child and the local Angel Tree dominated a monetary donation to the 2023 Bowl-a-Thon.
Donations were accepted from the Edgerton Area Foundation and Jeff Sleesman before the Board moved on to personnel recommendations.
The sub-list was approved, as was the resignation of Band Director Zachary Hines, effective January 1st, 2024.
Brett Grieser then shared his report, highlighting the success of the 2nd annual Family Fun Night and student Christmas concerts.
Ben Wilhelm then started his report, sharing that winter performances were held on December 17th, and that winter sports have officially begun.
December 20th through January 3rd will see the students released for holiday break, and the Board wanted to remind everyone of the “throwback” boys basketball game on January 6th.
There will be no school on January 15th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and January 23rd will see the county spelling bee.
It was after this that the board entered again into executive session at 7:24 p.m. They returned to regular session at 9:34 p.m., and made no actions before adjourning at 9:35 p.m.