By: Daniel Cooley
Edgerton’s Community Reinvestment Area Housing Council (CRA) met on March 31 and began with roll call. Dawn Fitzcharles, Denise Knecht, Kermit Riehl, Jason Gruver and Scott Blue, were all present.
First, the council approved of the meeting minutes from March 9.
Next, in going by the rules of Section 7 of Ordinance 1085, with five members now on board, the next order of business was to appoint two new council members who are residents of Edgerton, to serve as council members of the CRA.
At the last meeting, the CRA had discussed that two members of the community, Lyn Bowsher and Pam Fitzcharles, had expressed that they were interested in serving on the committee.
Bowsher would bring to the CRA a finance background and has been a school board representative. Fitzcharles has knowledge of the manufacturing field and brings experience from the corporate side of things.
Next, Bowsher was nominated by Dawn Fitzcharles and was approved by a 5-0 vote. Pam Fitzcharles was then nominated by Gruver and was also approved by a 5-0 vote.
In going back to Ordinance 1085, the ordinance stated that CRA members will serve for three years and that the CRA members will “make an annual inspection of the properties within the district, for which an exception has been granted under Section 3735.67 of the ORC.”
The CRA may “also hear appeals under Section 3735.70 of the ORC.”
Next, with a full committee now in place, Dawn Fitzcharles recommended that the committee schedule an organizational meeting.
There, the group can discuss items that may have to be deliberated, if there is a request for an agreement that has been brought before them. She will check on members’ availability and then schedule the next meeting.
The CRA then voted unanimously to adjourn.
Dan can be reached at