By: Anna Wozniak
This weekend sure saw a show in Edgerton, with a large part of the community coming out to support the students involved in the reproduction of “The Sound of Music”.
The show began with a scene involving Mikayela Burkhart as Mother Abbess (she also appeared later as Elsa Schraeder) alongside Sister Sophia (and Frau Zeller) played by Anna Vermillion, Sister Margaretta played by Alexis Vermillion (who also appears later as Baron Elberfeld), and Maria Rainer, who was played by Jewel Cheek.
After singing all about their “Maria” problem, the nuns sent her to meet Captain Gerog Von Trapp, played by Jonah Johnson.
Waiting for her alongside him were Franz and Frau Schmidt, played by Kailyn Studer (who also played a nun) and Dezarae Goebel, respectively.
It wasn’t long before the Captain whistled for his children to come meet their new governess, with their character roles and names as follows: Liesl Von Trapp, Alyvia Yoder; Fredrich Von Trapp, Chloe Blakely; Louisa Von Trapp, Kaydance Hobeck & Ava Gineman; Kurt Von Trapp, Joshua Wilhelm & Seth Zumbaugh; Brigetta Von Trapp, Kate Blakely & Abigail Krill; Marta Von Trapp, Ella Blakely & Julie Wright; Gretl Von Trapp, Piper Eberly & August Hussey.
Chris Lockwood played as Rolf Gruber (the young telegram boy) and Admiral Von Schreiber (the Nazi Admiral who is trying to recruit Baron Von Trapp). Emily Stuck played Max Detweiler, and Kenyon Burke played Herr Zeller.
Also on the cast were Amaethon Aschliman, Alexis Grandey, Amelia Giesige, Melody Gineman, Isaac Hemenway, Carrie Mitchell, Baleigh Nichols, Madison Whilhelm, Bella DeGroff, Liza DeGroff, Madilynn Rinnell, Leighton Showalter, Emmet Sloan, and Presley Yoder.
Making up the crew were stage manager Erin Jackson, stage crew Kyla Abraham, and lighting crew members Parker Abraham and Mason Harvey.
The play was split into two acts, with a 15-minute intermission. A special thanks was given to Mr. Ben Wilhelm and the rest of the school’s administration, as well as the Board of Education, Finance Office, Maintenance Department, Music Booster, Melinda Cooley, John VanAusdale, Haley blakely, Heather Wildermuth, Tina Converse, Perry ProTech, Heather Wyss, Chrys Kimpel, Aaron Wagner, Home Lumber in New Haven, Indiana, Eric & Cassandra Harter, Cindy Thiel and The Edgerton Earth, and everyone who was involved with showing the village of Edgerton how to be alive with “The Sound of Music.”