By: Rebecca Miller
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer and roll call at the Edgerton Village Council June 1, 2021 meeting, Village Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles gave her monthly report.
She received the final determination from MVPO and Edgerton came in at 40% which is below the threshold for grant funding for LMI. They need to look for specific areas that will qualify and submit for those areas, but will not be able to use the Community wide Low to Middle income.
She alerted council that they have submitted for Site Ohio program for the West Side Industrial Park from Jobs Ohio, that are ready for immediate development.
Other villages have gotten this certification and she is hoping that Edgerton will be able to get this designation as it will draw companies to the village.
Excitement over the economic activity was mentioned as Matsu is investing more than a four and a half million in equipment and adding 104 jobs.
The State Bank had a good grand opening and served over 460 meals from The Black Cow out of the State Bank food truck.
They do plan to bring the food truck back. Grants Catering food truck will be in town as well. A reminder was given for the Vaccination Clinic on June 4 from 3-7 where they would have all three vaccines available.
Hicksville Bank is holding a Community Customer Appreciation Day on June 11 from 12-4 and they hope the council members would come by.
Butler Indiana has released a revised US Route 6 closure, for construction, and they are temporarily pushing it back till Monday, June 14, and extending it to Monday, August 23.
June 1 kicked off electric peaking season. “The goal is to keep money in residents’ pockets, so turn things off things that are not being used,” Fitzcharles said.
Industry has been spoken with as well to cut down during peak hours. The Water Tower rehab project #2, passed the asset management plan audit and is approved to move forward.
It has been recommended that the mayor and council members take a specific training for utility management and financial management for government boards.
Fitzcharles also proposed a regular session on July 6 for a mid year review of finances and goals, to evaluate and reflect on the first six months of the year, and talk about hopes for the next year.
Denise Knecht, Fiscal officer, reported that they closed out May accounting successfully. The 2020 annual audit has been pushed to the end of June or mid July as the auditor’s office is running behind.
The village received a letter from RITA about the retainer refund of $11,848 for Edgerton. Since going with RITA they have received anywhere between $11 thousand to $17 thousand each year.
Mayor Robert Day said that he was pleased with the great turn out for the Memorial Day parade and the number at the Cemetery, with all the participants and residents. “People lingered and visited after the ceremony,” he added saying that it felt good to have people together.
Council member Leslie VanAusdale brought up a concern that the Miller Park Shelter House had trouble with power tripping off this week with too many roasters during graduation parties.
There was some discussion and Ms. Fitzcharles said they will check into doing something about that.
Council member Jason Gruver requested an Executive Session to discuss employment and compensation of public employees.
In legal business, council voted to approve Ordinance 1081 Adopting Sanitary Sewer Rates Repealing Ordinance #969 3rd reading; Ordinance 1083 Accepting the bid of D&M Painting for the Water Tower rehab project #1, Authorizing the village administrator to take all action necessary to complete the project, and Declaring an emergency (Engineer estimate was $100,000 and the bid chosen is for $98,440); and Ordinance 1084 Providing for a supplement to the 2021 Annual appropriations. Also approved was the payment of bills.
Council went into Executive Session, exiting at 8:09, held some discussion and took Action.
Council voted to Accept the full-time employment resignation of Water and Sewer operator Doug Imm as of July 30, 2021, to be retained as a part time intermittent employee, and to Approve the advertisement for applications for a full time water and sewer operator. The regular meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 15 at 7 p.m.
Rebecca can be reached at