HONORED FOR SERVICE Fiscal Officer Denise Knecht pictured was recognized for her 22 years with the Village of Edgerton
By: Daniel Cooley
Before the regular Edgerton Village Council meeting began at 7 p.m. on August 15, the Edgerton Records Commission met at 6:50 p.m.
Members present at that meeting were Mayor Robert Day, Law Director Chris Walker, Fiscal Officer Denise Knecht, Jason Gruver and Greg Jennings.
In the first order of business, the commission approved the meeting minutes from the previous January 17 meeting.
Next, two updates were given. First, the 2015 records have been destroyed, according to the RC-2 Form.
This was previously approved by the Records Commission on January 17 and was then returned by the Ohio History Connection, with signed approval on March 16.
In the second update, the 2016 records will be assessed and then brought for approval at the January 17, 2024 Records Commission meeting, to be held at 5:20 p.m. The Records Commission then voted to adjourn the meeting.
Next, the regular village council meeting began at 7 p.m., with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a prayer from mayor Day. Four village council members, Gruver, Pam Wampler, Sharon Blinzler and Lance Bowsher were in attendance.
In the first order of business, council approved the meeting minutes from the previous July 18 meeting.
Council then approved the meeting minutes from the previous July 24 meeting, followed by approval of the meeting minutes from the special council meeting, held on August 10.
Mayor Day then reported on the water break that occurred that morning, in the early morning (on Tuesday) and was repaired by 11:50 a.m.
“Everybody did what they had to do, and no one was out of service,” Day said.
Day also recognized Fiscal Officer Denise Knecht, who has worked for the village of Edgerton for 22 years.
In celebrating the occasion, two balloons with the number two were suspended above Knecht’s seat.
“She’s been really good to work with and is much appreciated,” Day said. “She does a good job.”

Village Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles then spoke about the water break. “It went very well, with the best outcome possible,” Fitzcharles said.
“Today was exactly how we would have wanted it to work out and ODOT was very helpful in directing traffic on Route 6. Great job, team.”
Knecht then gave the financial report. She stated that the financial statement is out for the end of July, but no credit card statements were available. Those statements will be available at the next meeting.
Knecht then commented on her 22 years of working with the village. “It’s been good to serve the village and I love everyone I work with,” Knecht said.
Police Chief Ken Jacob was then asked to comment about his first week of work. “It went well and I’ve settled in,” Jacoby said. “I think it’s going well, thus far.”
Council then approved of the third and final reading of Ordinance 1124, which establishes the time and place of regular meetings of village council.

With the new meeting dates, council will now be meeting on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, at 5:30. The next two meeting dates will be Wednesday, September 6 and Wednesday, September 20.
Next, council approved Resolution number 2023-010. This authorizes administrator Fitzcharles to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works state capital improvements and to execute contracts, as required.
Council then approved the motion to approve the contractor’s application for Payment number 3, the Water Towers Project number two. This project has now been closed out.
That was followed by council approving the motion to pay the bills.
In council comments, Wampler said that she had a resident who was concerned about a tree on her property, whether it is officially on her property, or whether it belongs to the railroad.
She is concerned that the tree might need to be removed, one day. Fitzcharles said she will look into it.

Blinzler said that she was asked by a resident where to go, in case of an emergency. Fitzcharles said that Town Hall would be available in case of an emergency.
Council then moved into executive session. The next council meeting will be on Wednesday, September 6, at 5:30 p.m.
Dan can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com