APPROVING CONTRACTS … Board President Cody Best (left) and Superintendent Anthony Stevens go over contracts awaiting approval.
By: India Kenner
The Edon Board of Education met Monday, February 10th at 5:30 p.m. for a regular Board meeting. All board members were present: Board President Cody Best, Board Vice President Jamie Schaffter, Patty Eicher, Ashley Reed, and David Wehrle.
Also in attendance were Superintendent Anthony Stevens, K-6 Principal Jennifer Ripke, 7-12 Principal Kayla Lapham, some Edon staff members, and a few community members.
After the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll call, there was recognition of visitors; none were present. The board resumed the meeting and approved the minutes and consent agenda from the January organizational and regular meeting and the January financial reports.
The board also approved January donations totaling and Superintendent Stevens commented the donations were greatly appreciated. The board approved the NWOESC substitute teacher and paraprofessional list.
Also approved was the resolution authorizing 2025-2026 membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association.
The last item on the consent agenda was to approve an overnight event for the Senior retreat on March 8-9. The board members approved the motion to consent to agenda items.
For reports to the board, High School Principal Kayla Lapham mentioned some of the events in the high school. The ACTS and FFA Week are coming up. Four County tours are being scheduled and ASL 1,2,3 classes will soon be offered.
Elementary Principal Jennifer Ripke talked about the spelling bee and how fun and competitive it was as well as reading goals for third graders.
Superintendent Stevens said that Monday, February 17th would be an Instructional makeup day since the district is out of days and it makes more sense to use that day instead of putting the makeup day at the end of the school year.
For action items, there is the approval of a resolution adopting the 2024 Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Special Education model policies and procedures.
Approve board policy revisions, additions, and deletions from NEOLA board policy update volume 43 No 1-October 2024 as drafted and presented.
The board approved a contract with Lori Moore Visions Photography for photography services for the 2025-2026 school year and approved the list of substitute cooks, custodians, and secretaries.
The recommendation is to hire Jenna Gerken part-time cook/kitchen for a one-year contract for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year effective March 1st, 2025.
The recommendation is to approve a one-year year contract for Vivian Hill, Teacher, effective February 3rd, 2025, for the 2024-2025 school year. A recommendation is to approve a contract for choir accompanist services for Sue Kannel and Trish Tingley on an as-needed basis.
The recommendation is to approve supplemental contracts for the 2024-2025 school year pending successful completion of requirements.
A recommendation is to approve Spring Intervention Teachers at a rate of $25 per hour. Approve the revised FY25 contract with the Northwest Ohio Education Service Center for fees to be deducted from Foundation payments.
The board meeting adjourned at 6:03 to enter into executive session. The next Edon Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 10th at 5:30 p.m.