BOMBER COURTESY CLUB … Students at Edon Northwest Local Schools selected for membership into the Bomber Courtesy Club for May 2013 were,[emember_protected custom_msg=”Full content protected for online subscribers. Purchase a one week subscription from the top menu bar for just $1.99 to read all online content (full access). Longer subscription plans are also available. Subscriptions cover our costs to attend local events; bringing forth Hometown News Coverage to our communities.”] from left, front row, Baylee Scher, Christopher Joice, Ariana Stephan, Shaylee Arnold; middle row, Nikkie Phutseevong, Hayden Dye, Allison Kaylor, Tatum Workman; back row, Henley Dye, Drew Gallehue, Hannah Ater, Victoria Green and Cortney Pease. Each student received a special certificate and coupons good for cookie and ice cream treats from the school cafeteria. [/emember_protected]
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