HIRING NEED … Pictured is Edon Superintendent Anthony Stevens (right) and Edon School Board member Cody Best. Stevens addressed the importance of hiring new bus drivers, especially for after school events. Stevens hopes that a new Resolution, passed by the school board, which will give a bonus to new bus drivers, will help. (PHOTOS BY DANIEL COOLEY, STAFF)
By: Daniel Cooley
The Edon School Board meeting of March 6 began with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by roll call. Three of the five school board members, Cody Best, David Wehrle and Patty Eicher, were present.
The board then approved the following six consent agenda items: the meeting minutes from the regular February 13 school board meeting; the February 2023 financial reports; the request for the amended certificate from the county auditor; the donations and disposals; the February NWOESC Paraprofessional and teacher substitute list and the Medicaid School Provider (MSP) agreed upon procedures with Julian and Grube from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 and July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.
In the treasurer’s report, Deb Nester reported that revenues were over expenditures by $154,000.
In the elementary principal’s report, Jennifer Ripke reported that kindergarten screening will be the last two days of April.
The ESC is hosting preschool screenings on April 6 and held one on March 6. Spring intervention for grades 3-6 will take place upon return from spring break. This will offer two sessions of reading/writing and math, before state testing,
Ripke also reported that the elementary school had a successful professional development day. The day began with a breakfast potluck and a fun staff activity. Next, Ripke said that there was a meeting regarding the state assessments.
Next, grades three and up attended a state test meeting and grades preschool through grade two learned more about Heggerty.
A building staff meeting followed, with the topic of classroom management. In the afternoon, there were follow ups discussions on math, handwriting without tears and letterland.
Next, 7th through 12th grade Principal Kayla Lapham then gave a report. Lapham reported that FFA week was a great success, including the petting zoo, Ag Olympics and teacher breakfast.
Lapham stated that students collected Coins for Cancer, benefitting the Williams County Cancer Assistance.
Lapham extended thanks to Maryellen Bliss and the FFA officers for all the work they put into FFA Week. Also, the play “Mamma Mia” was a great success.
In important upcoming dates, third quarter ends on March 10; spring benchmark assessments will take place from March 20 through April 3 and scholarship interviews will take place on April 6.
In the superintendent’s report, Anthony Stevens stated that enrollment is holding steady at 560. He also stated that there have been really good numbers regarding applications for personnel.

However, Stevens stated that the district continues to have problems in hiring bus drivers. The big problem comes from finding drivers for after school events which total 200 per year.
The district has relied on the same drivers, but if they’re not available, then what?
Stevens extended thanks to the drivers who have been consistent, but they need to find new ways to recruit new drivers.
Also, Stevens mentioned that he is concerned about the possible passage of Ohio House Bill 1. He stated that it could negatively impact funding.
Next, the board approved the following nine action items: the fiscal year 2024 contract with the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center (NWOESC) for fees to be deducted from Foundation payments; a Resolution for the employment of non-bachelor licensed substitute teachers; the resignation of Kris Dulle, effective March 10; the resignation of Scott Staten at the end of the school year; a contract for Fiscal assistant/Administrative Secretary/EMS Coordinator Laura Rode, beginning April 3; a contract for Debra Green, custodian, for the remainder of the school year; revised the contract for Pauline Snow to full-time, effective March 20; a revised salary schedule for the positions Assistant Treasurer and Assistant to the Treasurer/Administrative Secretary/EMIS Coordinator and a resolution to certify a one-time sign on retention bonus for bus drivers, as well as a retention bonus for current bus drivers.
The board then voted to adjourn the meeting.

Dan can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com