MAYOR THIEL Mayor Thiel was grateful to everyone that helped make downtown look as beautiful as it does now sharing that he has gotten compliments on the Christmas lights
The Edon Village Council met on Monday, December 18, 2023 at 7 p.m. Present were councilors David Loughborough, Jeff Pease, Brandon Thiel, Austin Thiel, Dan Ankney, and Lee Lawrence.
Solicitor Tom Thompson, Mayor Duane Thiel, Administrator Chad Ordway, and Fiscal Officer Heidi Bidwell were also present.
The minutes, financial statements, and bills were accepted as presented, and it was shared that the village police officers are all done with their CPT training a month ahead of schedule.
Council approved a vacation time payout for unused vacation by the police chief, and it was shared that the village office will be closed December 25th and 26th.
Administrator Ordway shared that leaf season is finishing up, and engineering has begun for Summit Street.
The tapping process for the houses off of Bunny Lane has finished, with Ordway saying that there were some unexpected difficulties encountered during this project.
It was then shared that there are plans to convert the outdoor restroom at the community center into a utility closet.
The 2nd edition draft of the village budget was then presented, and then council moved on to legislation. Council passed Ordinance 07-23, which created a village solicitor position, which will be filled by Tom Thompson.
Ordinance 08-23 was approved after a suspension of the rules. This ordinance recognizes a business name change for taxation purposes.
Duane Thiel was then appointed as Edon WEDCO representative before employee Christmas bonuses were discussed.
At 7:14 p.m., the Edon Village Council entered into executive session to consider pending litigation and real estate, with no actions to be made upon exit.