FAIR TIME Left to right Siler Newcomb Molly Elvy Nate Emmons and Andrew Bettinger were beginning their three hour shift at the pork stand supporting the Fulton County Pork Producers
The Fulton County Fair was September 1st through the 7th. The Evergreen FFA had 118 projects displayed in the Junior Fair Building located on the north end of the fairgrounds.
The projects that were displayed included: agricultural communications infographics, agricultural career posters, wire building frames for photo display, a variety of crops and vegetables, welding boards, and electrical lamps.
The members created these over the last year through the agricultural education department. Members were graded on their projects through the FFA Judging on Friday, September 1st. Members received either an A or B for their hard work.
Besides the junior fair building projects, the FFA had 21 members who exhibited livestock projects including: poultry, rabbits, horses, goats, sheep, swine, and cattle.
As part of the Fulton County Fair, the Evergreen FFA dedicates one day to work at the Fulton County Pork Producers Stand.
On September 5, the chapter was in charge of operating the stand from 10am to 10pm. The chapter had 15 FFA members and 18 community supporters help make the day a success.