By: Jesse Davis
The Evergreen Local Schools Board of Education heard the results of the academic programs and facilities survey among other business at its meeting last week.
During discussion of the results, it was agreed that more academic opportunities are needed for students opting to forgo more traditional education and instead entering the trades or the workforce.
There was also interest shared in expanding agricultural and industrial arts instruction. Music and performing arts opportunities continue to be “highly valued at all levels.”
Due to the results of the survey and discussion, the district is going to explore facility options within the community to upgrade EMS and agriculture facilities as well as pursuing a performing arts venue.
The board accepted donations of $100 for the Student Assistance Fund, $500 for the FFA program, and $150 worth of supplies and materials for the Kinderstart Program.
The board approved receipt of grants of $8,252.50 from the Career Awareness and Exploration Grant and $5,114.02 from the Attorney General School Safety Grant.
The board approved a $81,059.64 auxiliary services agreement with the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West for the 2023-2024 school year to benefit Holy Trinity School.
The board voted to offer a one-year, limited teaching contract with Evergreen High School teacher Barry Bock for the 2024-2025 school year.
The board accepted the resignation of EES Intervention Specialist Shane Bergman effective August 31. The board approved supplemental contracts for Assistant Softball Coach Madyson Zoltowski and Assistant Softball Volunteer Coach Madison Mockensturn.
The board approved the revised administrative compensation program and board employee compensation program for the 2024-2025 school year “and beyond.”
Upcoming community conversations are scheduled for 11 a.m. on April 5 at Wolf It Down BBQ, 9 a.m. on April 10 at Country Charm Cafe, and 8 a.m. on April 11 at US 20 Diner.
The public portion of the meeting ended with the board going into executive session “to consider the employment of public employees.”
The next regular meeting of the board will be held at 6 p.m. on April 15 in the Loren Pennington Learning Center.