By: Brenna White
The local Fayette Legion held a drive-thru baked potato supper on March 9th. They have been holding free will donation benefits for multiple years, including an upcoming “Coffee and Conversation” event on March 20th, April 24th, and May 19th.
All proceeds will go towards the local communities flags around the town. The upkeep and cost of the banners are all provided by the Fayette Legion.
The ladies offered baked potatoes, chili, rolls, and plenty of toppings to choose from. They opted to do a drive-thru approach this year for the comfort of their patrons. The Legion expected to serve over 60 people.
Once they opened at 11:30am, the people quickly filed in, leaving their parking lot packed! They are hoping to recruit more volunteers to help better their cause in the near future.
Many more diverse events are planned, and they are hopeful to gain more and more popularity each time!