By Lindsay Phillips
Fayette Board of Education began their Board meeting Monday, April 18 at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Superintendent Angela Belcher presented her report sharing that the press boxes are completed and ready for baseball and softball games this spring, along with an additional fenced in area for the safety of students during recess.
Belcher also added starting next year student breakfasts and lunches will no longer be free.
With prom season among us, Fayette High School students will experience the Prom Promise Mock Accident on April 21st.
The Fayette Police Department and funeral home will be participating in the mock accident.
Seventh and ninth grade students will go on a packed trip to Washington, D.C. to experience site seeing, and tours May 11 through May 15.
Elementary School Principal Olivia Selgo reported, “Grandparents Day was a success, so many people attended and enjoyed the music provided by the elementary vocals and band participants.”
“On April 8, students got to have their own “Iron Chef Competition” which consisted of 18 teams creating their own unique grilled cheese sandwich.
The winning sandwich will be served in the cafeteria. Selgo stated, “So much enjoyment, fun, laughter and teamwork filled the cafeteria.”
The approved staffing solutions include the following:
-Updated sub-teacher and Para list from NwOESC for 2022.
-Non-renewal of supplemental 1-year contracts for 2021-2022.
-The resignation of Hannah Sanford as preschool teacher effective June 30, 2022.
-The resignation of Justine Coffman as 5th/6th grade teacher effective June 30, 2022.

-The retirement of Denise Link as High School Secretary effective June 30, 2022.
-The resignation of Michelle Becker as custodian effective April 22, 2022.
-A two-year contract for Alissa Stockburger as 5th/6th grade teacher beginning July 1, 2022.
Fayette Board of Education approved a resolution making Juneteenth a paid holiday for administration, supervisors, and confidential employees.
With no business left to address, the meeting was adjourned.
Lindsay can be reached at