K 9 PROGRAM Sgt Wehrly speaks to council about the departments desire to implement a new K 9 program
By: Jacob Kessler
Fayette Village Council members held their meeting on Wednesday, April 10th. The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
Approved first were council meeting minutes from April 3rd, along with Safety Committee meeting minutes from the same day.
With no visitors present wishing to speak, council heard from Mayor Borer as he gave his report, with the following items being read.
The Garden Club is still selling their cookbooks for $15. At this time the number of books left has fallen to 15. The next CDC meeting will be held on Monday, May 6th at 6:00 p.m. at the school.
The next Board of Education meeting will be held on April 15th at 6:30 p.m. The Bull Thistle 5K Run will take place on May 25th at 8:00 a.m.
Recycling will be held on April 28th from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. down at the old white barn. Some traffic jams took place in town as everyone was leaving the area for the eclipse. The next one will be overhead in 2099.
Applications were accepted for a new Utility Billing Clerk until April 12th. Pickleball nets have been put up and turnpike tolls are now open. The Opera House will be featuring their Down Home at the Opera House show on April 27th at 7:00 p.m.
The administrator’s report came next with the first item discussed being in reference to Phase 1 of the water project. Bryan Excavating continued to move down South Gorham Street with water mains being installed on connecting roads.
Park Directors have begun their work in preparation for the coming season. This work will include painting dugouts, repairing, and painting bleachers, and more.
An ethics meeting was attended back on April 2nd with real-life issues in an office setting being discussed. The administrator’s report was then approved by council before moving on to hear the VFO’s report.
One item on the agenda pertains to the ODOT Road Salt agreement. Twenty-five tons were applied for last year, with 50 tons being applied for this year.
Another item coming up is in regard to Arcadis and the need to apply for another $27,000.00 to finish out the charge.
Lastly, Utility Clerk Mat Johnson’s resignation was included in the council’s packet, with the finance director’s resignation coming in a future meeting. The VFO’s report was then approved by council before moving on to hear the police report.
Assistant Chief McConnell spoke to council about the Safety Committee that took place the week before. During that meeting a presentation was given by Chief Bingham regarding the need for a new K-9 position in the department.
The dog itself is being donated by the Buckeye Area Regional K-9 Program out of Medina, Ohio. The hope of department members is for council to create the program, which in turn allows Fayette to get on the list for the dog.
The dog would be a puppy and would need an officer to travel to Medina every Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to Noon until its training is complete.
A retrofitted cruiser will also be needed once the dog reaches the appropriate age for police work. This however will not happen for around a year after the dog is born.
Sgt. Wehrly also spoke to council about the program and informed council of the department’s intention to pay for the program with fundraisers.
Different options have been looked at for fundraising, with donations already being offered by local community members.
Sgt. Wehrly himself said he is willing to donate a cage for the dog that will work until it becomes fully grown.
McConnell also informed council of department numbers, which have been increasing significantly over the past several months. This is in addition to the increase police have been seeing when it comes to drug activity in the area.
Council then moved to approve the police report, before moving on to hear Mat Johnson’s resignation letter read aloud.
It was then that council moved to approve the following items. The first reading of Resolution 2024-02 authorizing participation in the ODOT Road Salt Contracts awarded in 2024. A motion to move forward with the establishment of a K-9 Unit, dependent on fundraising.
A motion to allow the administrator to apply for a supplemental OWDA planning loan of $27,000.00 for Phase II of the water project.
Lastly, Johnson spoke to council regarding a tobacco cessation project for the CDC. Part of a grant being looked at, needs the CDC to approach council and ask about preventing tobacco in the parks, or the allowing of CDC members to place signs in the park asking people to not use tobacco on the grounds.
More discussion will follow. With no other business to attend to, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.