Fifty-four Four County Career Center Business Professionals of America (BPA) Chapter members recently placed in the top six among the several hundred area students competing in the regional contests held at the University of Toledo. Thirty-nine of these winners have qualified for the State BPA Skill Competition.
Contest winners from Fulton County (above) are (FRONT – LEFT TO RIGHT) Kaitlin Wood (Archbold); Morgan Linton (Pettisville); Lukas Pribe (Delta); Serena Shelhart (Delta); (BACK – LEFT TO RIGHT) Madison Youngquist (Archbold); Konrad Hawkins (Delta); Konnor Hawkins (Delta); Riley Hankinson (Delta); Isaac McClain (Fayette). Absent from the photo are Blake Grime (Archbold); Kyle Hageman (Archbold); Azar Heiney (Wauseon); and Jackie Merritt (Wauseon).
Contest winners from Williams County (below) are (FRONT – LEFT TO RIGHT) Laney Ridgway (Bryan); Gwen Oxender (North Central); Olivia Fisher (Edon); Ella Wyse (Stryker); (BACK – LEFT TO RIGHT) Jonathan Priddy (Bryan); Alexander Douglas (Bryan); Shannon Spires (Hilltop); Mason Hager (Bryan). Absent from the photo are Connor Durham (Bryan); Nicholas King (Bryan); Caden Leppelmeier (Edgerton); and Ryan Street (Bryan).
BPA members from all parts of Ohio will compete in the BPA State Leadership Conference in Columbus on March 7 & 8, 2024 for awards and the right to advance to national skill and leadership contests.
Four County Career Center BPA Advisors are Mary Jo Beilharz (Medical Office Technologies), Matt Geiger (I.T. Academy – Computer Programming & Game Design), Tim Ricketts (I.T. Academy – Computer Networking & Cybersecurity), and Tina Short (Business & Financial Services).