SKILLS … Four County Career Center Skills USA Chapter members are participating in the Ohio State skills competition in Columbus on April 22 & 23 after taking 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place at Regional competition. Contest participants from Fulton county are[emember_protected custom_msg=”Full content protected for online subscribers. Purchase a one week subscription from the top menu bar for just $1.99 to read all online content (full access). Longer subscription plans are also available. Subscriptions cover our costs to attend local events; bringing forth Hometown News Coverage to our communities.”] (LEFT TO RIGHT) David Vazques (Wauseon) Plumbing; Bridget Spiess (Archbold) Job Interview; Tatum Smith (Archbold) Opening & Closing Team; Cade Mercer (Fayette) Opening & Closing Team; Greg Kempf (Pettisville) Computer Maintenance Technology; and Madison Martinez (Wauseon) Opening & Closing Team. Skills USA members from all parts of Ohio will be competing for awards and the right to advance to National skills and leadership contests. Four County Career Center Skills USA Advisors are Kim Dunbar and Bill Parsley. Absent from the photo is Derrick Mosgrave (Archbold) Cabinet Making.[/emember_protected]
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