Clinton County Clerk of Courts Cindy Bailey was re-elected as 2021 President of the Ohio Clerk of Courts Association (OCCA) at their annual winter conference. Also installed were Butler County Clerk County Clerk of Courts Mary Swain as First Vice President, Fulton County Clerk of Courts Tracy Zuver as Second Vice President, Mercer County Clerk of Courts Calvin Freeman as Third Vice President, Holmes County Clerk of Courts Ronda Steimel as Corresponding Secretary, Delaware County Clerk of Courts Natalie Fravel as Recording Secretary and Wyandot County Clerk of Courts Ann Dunbar as Treasurer.
Retiring Guernsey County Clerk of Courts and OCCA Secretary Teresa Dankovic installed the officers during a ceremony held virtually on Thursday, December 3. President Bailey said she “looks forward to working with the Department of Public Safety, Ohio General Assembly, state departments and other elected officials to serve the people throughout our communities in the great State of Ohio.”
Established in 1940, the OCCA organization is dedicated to helping the Clerks in all 88 counties to provide the best possible service to the citizens in each county and to exercise influence in legislation that affects county clerks and the courts. The Clerk of Common Pleas Court plays a vital role in serving the interests of justice. This role includes filing, docketing, indexing and preserving all court pleadings for civil, felony criminal, domestic relations, and court of appeals cases.
The Clerk of Courts accounts for all monies collected, issue writs to carry out Court orders including summons, subpoenas, warrants to arrest and sign the death warrant in capital cases. The Automobile and Watercraft Title Division of the Clerk’s office is linked throughout the State of Ohio by a sophisticated computer network. This Automated Title Processing System (ATPS) provides fast, efficient issuance of millions of Ohio titles annually.
In some counties the Clerk of Courts has also assumed duties as a registrar and many clerks have co-located a Title Office with or near Registrars’ License Bureau creating one-stop service centers.