By: Jacob Kessler
The Fulton County Commissioners held their first meeting of the week on Tuesday, July 19th. The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
Commissioners first approved the minutes from the July 14th meeting as well as the current agenda as presented. Approval for the payment of bills also took place along with a review of the 2022 annual ditch maintenance report.
Commissioners then acknowledged a new ditch petition for 2148 – Barclay. The following agenda items were then approved.
-Resolution 2022-484 to set a date and time of viewing and first hearing for Ditch 2148-Barclay.
-Resolution 2022-485 for the increase and transfer of appropriations for various departments.
-Resolution 2022-486 to approve legal and authorize an ad for 2022 Fulton County Pavement Marking Program on behalf of the engineer.
-Resolution 2022-487 to approve oversight for contract 2022-72 between Fulton County JFS and Creative Media Solutions, Inc.
-Resolution 2022-488 to approve oversight for contract 2022-73 between Fulton County JFS and Sprout Social, Inc.
-Resolution 2022-489 to approve an inter-county transfer of funds for JFS.
-Resolution 2022-490 to approve a personnel request on behalf of JFS.
-Resolution 2022-491 to approve purchase orders and travel requests.
With no further business to attend to, commissioners moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 a.m.
The Commissioners held their second meeting of the week on Thursday, July 21st. The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
Commissioners first moved to approve the minutes from the July 19th meeting as well as the current agenda.
Reviews then took place for the weekly dog warden reports for the weeks of June 25th and July 2nd before also reviewing the monitoring report from the Ohio Department of Development. The following agenda items were then approved.
-Resolution 2022-494 for the increase and transfer of appropriations for various departments.
-Resolution 2022-495 to approve depository agreement 2022-74 with US Bank on behalf of the Fulton County Treasurer.
-Resolution 2022-496 to authorize the Board President to sign the Monitoring Report Response for CDBG Grant- B-F-19-1AX-1.
-Resolution 2022-497 to approve purchase orders and travel requests.
The Delta annexation hearing then took place with no action taken at this time. With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
Jacob can be reached at