AWARENESS … Several local representatives from Sara’s Garden and Triangular Processing were present during the reading of the proclamation naming March 2025 as Developmental Disabilities month, with each of them having the opportunity at the end to stand with Commissioners for a photo. Pictured L-R: Dennis Kennedy, Fulton County Administrator; Tara Dumas, Sara’s Garden; Jon Rupp, Fulton County Commissioner; Shannon Keiser, Fulton County Board of Developmental Disabilities; Danelle Bodette; Robin Shepherd, Fulton County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Superintendent; Kelly Nagel, Fulton County Board of Developmental Disabilities; Emily Stockham, Triangular Processing Inc.; Brandy Nofziger, Blooms Flower Co.; and Joe Short, Fulton County Commissioner. Front: Ian Kormorny.
By: Jacob Kessler
Meetings for the Fulton County Commissioners were held on Tuesday, March 4th and Thursday, March 6th. The meetings each began at 9:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
During each of the meetings, the commissioners moved to approve minutes from the previous meeting, along with the agenda for the current meeting, and approval of the bills.
Each of the meetings also saw a list of items receiving approval from commissioners, with those items listed below.
March 4th
-Review Dog Warden Report for periods ending February 15th, 2025, and February 22nd, 2025.
-Approve Payment of Bills.
-Resolution 2025-162 Approve Appropriations Requests for Various Departments.
-Resolution 2025-163 Enter Into Contract 2025-29 with E.S Wagner Company for FUL CR J 3.60 Bridge Repair X.
-Resolution 2025-164 Approve Recommendation of Water Advisory Board to Approve NEWS Rules and Regulations.
-Resolution 2025-165 Approve Purchase Orders and Travel Requests.

-Resolution 2025-166 Affirm Former Order, Confirm Assessments, and Order Letting of Contracts – Ditch 2152.
Resolution 2025-166 was in reference to a final ditch hearing that was held for request 2152 (Rod Short). Discussion was held during the meeting, with public being offered the chance to testify.
Hearing no testimony offered, commissioners decided to move forward with the project. The project is expected to bring a benefit of $166,355.86. The project estimate, with first year maintenance is slated at $52,039.58.
March 6th
-Resolution 2025-169 Approve Appropriations Requests for Various Departments.
-Resolution 2025-170 Enter Into Contract 2025-30 with Lucas County Coroner for 2025 Autopsy and Toxicology Services.

-Resolution 2025-171 Execute Letter for MVPO for Amendment to Programmatic Agreement.
-Resolution 2025-172 Approve And Authorize Ad for Employment Opportunity for JFS.
-Resolution 2025-173 Accept Resignation of JFS Employee.
-Resolution 2025-174 Proclaim March 2025 Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.
-Resolution 2025-175 Approve Purchase Orders and Travel Requests.
Resolution 2025-174 was in regard to a Proclamation made by the Commissioners to announce March 2025 as Developmental Disabilities month.

Several local representatives from Sara’s Garden and Triangular Processing were present during the reading of the proclamation and stood with commissioners at the end of the meeting for a photo.
Part of the proclamation reads, “We urge all citizens to join in this celebration by spreading awareness of the many contributions offered by people with developmental disabilities in Fulton County.”