HISTORIC BUILDING The $100000 forgivable loan awarded to artist Paul Combs will see the historic home at 317 West Butler Street serve as a destination location to art lovers in the area with the increased foot traffic expected to further economic growth Pictured at the loan presentation are right to left Paul and Sheryl Combs Bryan Development representative Mike Sheeran and Bryan Area Foundation PresidentCEO Amy Miller
By: Anna Wozniak
Local artist Paul Combs, most known for his Drawn by Fire collection, supporting the first responders of America, has recently been given a wonderful opportunity to share the love of art with even more through the brand-new Gallery 317, named so after its location at 317 West Butler Street in Bryan.
This historic home is being remodeled into an art gallery, studio space, and community art experience, with the goal being to add another destination location to the City of Bryan to encourage more city foot traffic and further economic growth.
This is the ninth forgivable loan that has been awarded thus far in order to “aid in transforming downtown Bryan buildings into thriving businesses.”
Those interested in the forgivable loan process are encouraged to visit https://www.bryanareafoundation.org/forgivable-loan-program .