By: Jacob Kessler
The first Heroes vs. Heroes Basketball Tournament was recently held at the Wauseon High School. The event took place on Sunday, February 18th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Players made up from the Fulton County Special Olympics and local first responders were split into four teams, equating to around 60 players.
The first two teams competed at 3:00 p.m. and the second two teams competed at 4:00 p.m. At 5:00 p.m., the winners of the first and second rounds competed against each other.
First responders from throughout the county either played, took part as volunteers, or showed up to give their support during the game.
A huge amount of the public also showed up for the event to offer their support to the group that put on the event, Triangular Processing.
Triangular Processing is a local nonprofit group that serves individuals with developmental disabilities in Northwest Ohio. The organization’s services seek to celebrate individuals as an important part of the community where they live, work, and play.
Triangular Processing Director Kathy Shaw explained that the day’s event was the first of its kind for them and that they are hoping to hold it again. Shaw also explained that the idea for the event came from Chad Hayward at the sheriff’s office.
Originally the plan was for the game to be much smaller than what it became. But once the process started, more and more people wanted to contribute.
The VFW got involved as well and helped to pay the admission fees for any veteran who came to attend the event.
Shaw also had kind words for the first responders who had come to give their time. “They are just rock stars.” I cannot say enough wonderful things about our first responders. They are just incredible. Fulton County treats us very well and we hope we give back half as much as they give us.”