HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS … Front row (L to R): Madi Routt, Julia Rodriguez, Annika Wright, Abby Austin, Aiden Funkhouser, Raace Haynes – Middle row (L to R): Olivia Rossman, Makensie Kerr, Kenzie Weber, Ingrid Hoffman, Maggie Wheeler – Back row (L to R): Colby Tyler, James Bell, Shealyn Brown, Ranie Roesch.
By: Amy Wendt
On Saturday, February 11, the Millcreek-West Unity Science Fair was held in the Auxilary gym at Hilltop School, featuring a variety of impressive science projects created by local students.
Among the talented participants, junior high student Aaden Judy stood out and was awarded the prestigious 2023 Sumner Award, which was sponsored by the Lions Club, for the top junior high project.
Aaden’s project, entitled “Testing Transparency, Nitrate, Nitrite, pH, and Phosphate of Local Water,” explored the quality of water in the surrounding area.
Meanwhile, the high school winner, Joscelyn Layman, was awarded the Sumner Award, which was sponsored by JJM Associates Inc., for the top high school project.
Joscelyn’s project, titled “Calming Agents Effect on Cortisol Levels of Sus scrofa domesticus During Transportation,” investigated the impact of calming agents on cortisol levels in pigs during transportation.
The fair showcased the creativity and hard work of the students, while also highlighting the important role that science plays in our daily lives.
The coveted Sumner Award is named in honor of Charles Sumner, long-time science teacher at Hilltop and his wife, Linda Sumner took part in the 2023 event.
Junior high students receiving awards are as follows:
High Excellent Award winners who are also eligible for regional competition include: Jazmyn Castillo-Edelman, Leah Ankney, Malaki Comer and Raelee Rasey. High Excellents Junior High Awards are sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Taylor and Omnibus Club.
Superiors Award winners who are also eligible for Regional and District Competition include: Loren Rodriguez, Maggie Altman, Myah Higgins, Bryce Peters, Aaden Judy, Halle Jones, Kennedy Bailey, Camryn Nichols, Grace Serrano, Zia Siegel, and Kelsy Connolly.
The following junior high students also received the awards in the following categories:
Behavioral, BioMedical/Health, Energy Project sponsored by: In Memory of Blake Wyse, First Place – Maggie Altman and Second Place – Myah Higgins.
Chemistry/Biochemistry, Earth or Environmental Science or Microbiology sponsored by Millcreek-West Unity Teachers’ Association, First Place – Halle Jones.

Material Science or Physics/Astronomy Project sponsored by the Omnibus Club, First Place – Kennedy Bailey, Second – Place, Cam Nichols.
Animal or Plant Sciences sponsored by Unity Plumbing and Heating , First Place – Zia Siegel.
Outstanding Presentation Award sponsored by West Unity Lions Club winner was Loren Rodriguez.
Outstanding Originality and Creativity sponsored by The Three Arts Club winner was Bryce Peters.
Outstanding Artistic Display sponsored by the Farmers & Merchants State Bank winner was Grace Serrano.
Williams County Soil and Water Conservation District sponsored by West Unity Chamber of Commerce winner was Kelsy Connolly.

High school students receiving awards at the 2023 science fair are as follows:
High Excellent Award winner who is also eligible for regional competition is Colby Tyler. The High Excellent Award was sponsored by JJM Associates (Subway) and Unity Plumbing and Heating.
JUNIOR HIGH SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS … Front row (L to R): Zia Siegel, Loren Rodriguez, Kennedy Bailey, Halle Jones, Kelsy Connolly, Aaden Judy – Back row (L to R): Bryce Peters, Camryn Nichols, Myah HIggins, Grace Serrano, Maggie Altman.
Superiors Award winners who are also eligible for Regional and District Competition include: Abby Austin, Ingrid Hoffman, Madisyn Routt, James Bell, Makensie Kerr, Bradley Soltau, Shealyn Brown, Joscelyn Layman, Kenzie Weber, Aiden Funkhouser, Julia Rodriguez, Maggie Wheeler, Kristopher Hansen, Ranie Roesch, Annika Wright, Raace Haynes, and Olivia Rossman.
The following high school students also received awards in the following categories:
Behavioral/Social Science and Microbiology sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor, First Place – Rnie Roesch and Second Place Madisyn Routt.

Biomedical/Health and Materials Science sponsored by Mrs. Nancy Cooley, First Place – Annika Wright, Second Place – Aiden Funkhouser.
Chemistry/Biochemistry, Animal, Earth/Environmental and Plant Science sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Tim Nofziger, First Place – Ingrid Hoffman and Kristopher Hansen (tie), Second Place – Shaelyn Brown.
Williams County Soil and Water Conservation District Outstanding Project sponsored by West Unity Lions Club, Winner – Olivia Rossman.
Outstanding Presentation of a Project sponsored by PJ and T Transportation, Winner – Julia Rodriguez.
Outstanding Originality and Creativity sponsored Mr. and Mrs. Tim Nofziger, Winner – Maggie Wheeler.
Outstanding Scientific Method sponsored by JJM Association (Subway), Winner – Makenzie Kerr.

Outstanding Artistic Display sponsored by Three Arts Club, Winner – James Bell.
Amy can be reached at amy@thevillagereporter.com