WEST UNITY SENIOR CENTER Is sending a New Years toast with coffee to Conversions Technologies International for sponsoring their January Birthday and Anniversary celebration Each senior at coffee hour received a new travel mug to keep their hot beverages warm this winter They also supplied some hot beverage supplies for the month and snacks for prize bingo The group had a lot of fun and really appreciate them for going above and beyond to support the local senior centerSTRYKER SENIOR CENTER January birthdays Rebecca Miller Marjorie Brown Stanley Whitlock and Pam Oberlin Missing from photo is Paul RohrsEDGERTON SENIOR CENTER January birthdays Host Arlene from Park View Care Center Howard Olson site manager Cindy TingleEDON SENIOR CENTER January birthday Larry BuckBRYAN SENIOR CENTER January birthdays Robert Byroads Pat Coopman Artis Gilcher Barbara SullivanMONTPELIER SENIOR CENTER January birthdays Donna Stahler Linda Rummel Dennis Reader Roger Brown Frank Middleton Pat Retcher