Wake up America!
Dear Editor:
I was appalled by our President when he addressed the nation on January 6th. Instead of trying to unite the country as he promised he would do if elected, he called the United States of America a racist nation.
The same person that falsely accused former president Donald Trump of being a racist and dividing the country. He repeatedly lied about what President Trump said in North Carolina during the election.
In his speech, he continued his attacks on Donald Trump and his followers. The only reason he called us a racist nation was to keep us divided. He could have given countless examples of positive changes that have been made since the 1960’s but that wouldn’t fit his narrative.
President Trump made great strides with programs and legislation that helped the blacks and minorities. What has President Biden done for these same people? Absolutely nothing! I prefer to remember January 6th as the day of commemorating the Epiphany.
Now let’s talk about the insurrectionist as they are now called. The President, the Democrats and the media have now defined any follower of Trump as an insurrectionist or minimally a radical right, racist.
Why, to support their narrative and discredit Trump and all who support him and his cause so they can stay in power. To stop the fight for we the people and drain the swamp in Washington.
The reality is the majority of Trump supporters are regular Americans who love God and our country and want what is best for the United States of America.
Sadly, because of the media and politicization of everything, we can never come together in support of what is best for our country.
While the few persons that broke (or in some cases were let) into the Capitol, were wrong, they did not represent the majority of the people that were there that day or the rest of Donald Trump supporters. They wanted to make sure that the election was fair and hoped for a different outcome.
The reality is the media determined this election by suppressing the Biden family corruption and lies, covering up his shortcomings and not holding Mr. Biden accountable while, at the same time, promoting untruths and a negative image to discredit President Trump. The media scrutinized President Trump like no other president in history.
Even so, President Trump made himself available while Mr. Biden stayed in his basement. The news media current lie is there was “no” voter fraud and President Trump and his followers simply said these things to retain power.
The reality was there was plenty of voter fraud and abnormalities that the media should have investigated and reported on but we the people will never know because the media no longer does their job but in way to many instances is just a conduit for the Democratic party.
I know the argument that not a single case was even heard by a court but that does not mean there was no voter fraud or abnormalities.
I will readily admit that there was not enough to evidence to change any election outcomes but again that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. And it needs to be addressed so it doesn’t happen again.
For a man that said he would be a president for all while trying to be elected, has spent his entire presidency catering to the left and special interest groups. Doing what is best for them not what is best for our country.
If this continues, we will not only be bankrupt but move towards a more socialistic country. Doing all this, when we know historically that it will end poorly.
I find it ironic that we can go on and on and on about what happened on January 6th but completely ignore the violent and destructive Black Lives Matter protest that took place across this country.
There was looting and burning buildings. Acts of violence against the police and citizens. The illegal takeover of police stations, government buildings and even portions of cities. The number of deaths and injuries, the billions of dollars in destruction and theft, lives ruined were so much greater than what happened on July 6th.
And yet, we hear from our justice department that, at a cost of millions of dollars, they will pursue every person that entered the capital and bring them to justice.
While the “protesters” were either not arrested or were arrested and released so they could go out and commit more acts of violence.
Kamala Harris and other Democrats even raised money so they could be released while Mr. Biden ignored the situation and would not condemn any of the illegal activities taking place thus condoning the bad behavior across our nation.
President Biden and his administration is mishandling the current pandemic (remember how critical he was of President Trump).
They continue to allow an untold number of illegal aliens (not to mention the drugs and human trafficking) into our country.
They mishandled the withdrawal from Afghanistan (including not getting out those who helped the USA but bringing out thousands of unvetted refugees that are now living in our country). They are mishandling the economy causing historic inflation rates and not effectively dealing with the supply chain issues.
They are relocating the illegals and refugees in swing states to hopefully influence future elections. They are trying to push their far left agenda and trying to change legislation and the supreme court all so they can stay in power. With their track record, we need to be very concerned.
I speak out, first and foremost, as an American. But as a conservative Republican, I have great concerns for our country.
I thank God for Senator Manchin and a few others who can see how destructive the direction the current administration is pursuing.
I think the people are seeing through the lies and will vote in the mid-term elections to stop the madness.
May God bless America!
Ric Michael
Montpelier, Ohio