By: Jacob Kessler
Nine people were transported to Blanchard Valley Hospital on the night of Friday, October 13th after a traffic collision between a pickup truck and a school bus in Findlay.
According to a media release put out by the Ohio State Highway Patrol, the crash took place at 10:58 p.m. on US Route 224 at Interstate 75 in Hancock County.
According to preliminary investigations, the Ford pick-up truck was being operated by Craig A. Meyers of Pioneer, Ohio. Meyers was traveling Eastbound on US Route 224 when it was struck by a Findlay City School District Bus, which was exiting off of Interstate 75 Southbound onto US Route 224. The bus was being operated by Janet K. Routzon, 74, of Findlay. Following the impact, both vehicles continued down the embankment before going off the left side of the roadway and onto Interstate 75 Southbound where they came to a rest.
The release also stated Meyers sustained minor injuries and was taken to Blanchard Velley Hospital. Ivy McClanahan, 36, was a passenger in the pick-up truck and was taken to the hospital as well, along with four juveniles from the pick-up truck and three juveniles from the school bus.
According to community and social media sources, the four juveniles traveling in the rear of the pick-up truck attend school at North Central and have sustained serious injuries. Those in the truck were returning from the North Central at Vanlue Varsity Football game. They had stopped in Findlay and were returning home when the accident took place. Word has also been received that the four student athletes from North Central will require surgery due to their injuries.
Prayers for a full recovery have been given around social media, and efforts have been discussed regarding help for the families involved due to the travel involved and hotel stays. For those who may be interested in helping, please stay on the lookout for additional information as it is posted.
Jacob can be reached at jacob@thevillagereporter.com
PUBLISHER’S NOTE – The Village Reporter has chosen not to release the names of the youth involved at this time publicly, honoring the request of family members interviewed.