Anime Club For Grades 6-12
Come to the Swanton Public Library from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm on Wednesday, March 27 for an afternoon of anime! Watch three episodes of anime chosen by the attendees. Shows must be available on the anime streaming service Crunchyroll in order to be shown. Snacks, including Japanese treats, and drinks will also be provided. No registration required. FREE!
Board Of Library Teens (Bolt) Meeting For Grades 5-12
Calling all middle schoolers and high schoolers! The next meeting of Swanton Public Library’s Board of Library Teens (BOLT) of the school year will be on Wednesday, March 6, at 4:30 pm.
Anyone interested in joining this group can pick up an application at the library anytime and either turn it in at the front desk or bring it to the meeting.
BOLT (Board of Library Teens) is an advisory board of students in grades 5 through 12. Members meet regularly one day a month with two youth services librarians. At meetings they discuss books, help plan programs for their peers, provide input on library issues related to teens, assist in selecting teen-related materials, and promote the library to teens. Free snacks are also included.
Youth Chess & Games Club
Interested in learning to play chess? Kids and teens are invited to join librarian and chess player Jason on Mondays, March 11 and 25 at 4:15 pm, to learn more about the game. Club participants can also request any board or card game available in the library to play! Youth Chess and Games Club is open to all interested youth.
Cosplay Club For Teens At Swanton Public Library
Teens interested in cosplay and fandom are invited to join fellow teens in crafting and designing costumes for conventions and for fun. Cosplay Club meets at the library on Thursdays, March 7 and 21, at 4:00 pm.
Middle School Study Group
Students in middle school are invited to a student-led program to help with schoolwork and provide a quiet space to work. Participants meet at the library on Mondays from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm; this month the group will meet on March 4, 11, 18, and 25. Students will assist each other, as well as receive guidance from Swanton High School’s National Honor Society members.
Poetry Club For Grades 5-12
New time! Calling all young poets! If you love poetry – new or old, free form, sonnets, or haikus – come to the Swanton Public Library at 3:30 pm on Fridays, March 8 and 22. We will discuss all different kinds of poetry, how to write them, and experiment with different types like blackout poetry. No registration required. FREE!
Pride Club For Teens
New day! Teens looking for a space to express themselves are invited to join the pride club at the library on Tuesdays, March 5 and 19, at 4:00 pm. On March 19, the club welcomes Swanton resident Kari Oberlin to lead a group discussion. Participants are encouraged to bring questions and an open mind. All are welcome.
Reading Paws: Read With Barli
Reading Paws combines kids, dogs, and books. Children sign up to read aloud for 20 minutes to a certified therapy dog, who is happy just to listen. Improve reading skills and have fun reading with a friendly dog at the same time!
Certified therapy dog Barli will be here on Thursday, March 21 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Kids can read to Barli in 20-minute slots; six slots are available. Call, come in, or visit our website to register. Walk-ins are also welcome.
STEAM Club On Fridays For Grades K-12
Kids and teens in grades K-12 are invited to join the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) club on Fridays in March between 4:15 pm and 5:15 pm at the library! Play with robots, build with Legos, create art, and more! On March 29, come prepared to participate in an egg drop experiment!
March In-Person Storytimes For Preschoolers
On Tuesday mornings this month, Swanton Public Library offers the opportunity for your baby, toddler, or preschooler to have fun and learn at the same time through in-person storytimes held at the library.
All preschoolers are welcome to join us to have fun at our storytime this month! Ages 2 and under must have attending guardian. Registration is not required for these programs. Preschoolers are also welcome to join us for a special Wednesday morning storytime this month!
Program times and days are as follows: Musical Storytime – Tuesdays, February 27, March 5, 12, and 19 at 10:30 am. A lot of books are also songs! Come explore music and books together.
March 2024 Virtual Book Clubs For Youth
The library’s virtual do-it-at-home book clubs for all ages continue! The best part? Everyone who participates gets to keep the book! There are four age categories: grades K-3, grades 3-5, grades 5-8, and grades 9-12.
All we ask is that you read the book: do as much or as little of the rest of it as you want! Visit the library to pick up your free packet, either in person or via curbside service.
We will also have a post for each book on for anyone who wants to discuss the book online. The books for February are:
Grades K-3: The Rainbow Mystery by Jennifer Dussling. Colors on the loose! Annie and Mike are making a box fort when a bunch of little rainbows mysteriously appear on the family room wall. Are they from a sprinkler? A gas puddle? A necklace? Annie and Mike need scientific detective skills to solve this rainbow mystery!
Grades 3-5: The Family Under the Bridge by Natalie Savage Carlson. Armand, an old man living on the streets of Paris, relishes his solitary life in the beautiful city. He is happy with his carefree existence, begging and doing odd jobs to keep himself warm and fed.
With simple pleasures and no cares, what more could he need? Then one day just before Christmas, Armand returns to his favorite spot beneath the bridge to find three cold and hungry children.
Although he has no interest in children, Armand soon finds himself caring for the small family. It does not take Armand very long to realize that he must do whatever it takes to get them a real home.
Grades 5-8: The Capture by Kathryn Lasky. Soren is born in the forest of Tyto, a tranquil kingdom where the Barn Owls dwell. But evil lurks in the owl world, evil that threatens to shatter Tyto’s peace and change the course of Soren’s life forever. Soren is captured and taken to a dark and forbidding canyon.
It’s called an orphanage, but Soren believes it’s something far worse. He and his friend Gylfie know that the only way out is up. To escape, they will need to do something they have never done before – fly. And so, begins a magical journey.
Along the way, Soren and Gylfie meet Twilight and Digger. The four owls band together to seek the truth and protect the owl world from unimaginable danger.
Grades 9-12: Slam! by Walter Dean Myers. Seventeen-year-old Greg “Slam” Harris can do it all on the basketball court. He’s seen ballplayers come and go, and he knows he could be one of the lucky ones. Maybe he’ll make it to the top. Or maybe he’ll stumble along the way.
Slam’s grades aren’t that hot. And when his teachers jam his troubles in his face, he blows up. Slam never doubted himself on the court until he found himself going one-on-one with his own future, and he didn’t have the ball.
For more information on this program or any of the programs at Swanton Public Library, call 419-826-2760, visit or, or visit the library. Swanton Library is located at 305 Chestnut Street in Swanton.