UTILITY COMMITTEE REPORT … Wauseon Councilor Jeff Stiriz gave Utility Committee report at the June 6, 2021 Council meeting. Seen here from left to right are Councilors Patrick Griggs and Stiriz, Mayor Kathy Huner and Council President Shane Chamberlin in front of the area that is being renovated in Council Chambers. (PHOTOS BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
As a part of the June 6, 2021 Wauseon City Council meeting, Mayor Kathy Huner announced in New Business that she had removed the State of Emergency as the state has removed it and there is no longer the need for the city to have it.
Councilor Jeff Stiriz reported on the Utility Committee meeting which was held on June 4, with Council President Shane Chamberlin, Councilor Harold Stickley, Keith Torbet and Brooke Baumgartner and himself present.
Stiriz informed council that the committee reviewed the grant program with Toledo Edison that would replace all the street light bulbs with LED lights.
There were three options and they recommended to council the choice of having Toledo Edison replace each bulb with LED as they burn out, which would be free to the city.
During council, the consensus was that this seemed to be a good idea with the plan that if there is an area that needs it to be done more quickly, the city would purchase bulbs to complete that area.
The other recommendation from the Utility Committee concerned Haas Door. It was recommended that council agree for Haas Door to pay for three lights being put in on Kreiger and Dickman Streets, at a cost of $12,231.41, and the city pay for the rest at $29,017.18. Council voted to accept both recommendations.
In other business, the Council approved the minutes of the prior meeting, the payment of the bills and a motion to appoint Lisa Smith to the Charter Revision Commission for a three year term of July 1, 2021-June 30, 2024.
Mayor Honor informed Council that Wauseon Rollercade has applied for a D3 liquor license, and there were no objections made.
She also said that the Firecracker 5K was a great success. Comments were made that the runners expressed great pleasure in it being measured so exactly, said that they will be back and that some came from as far away as Kentucky.
A big shoutout was given for Sullivans for the food provided and the great place for the giving of awards and thanks to all who participated or contributed to a great event.
The July meeting has been moved to July 6th as the offices will be closed on the 5th for the Fourth of July weekend. The Fireworks will be held on July 2, as the Fourth is on a Sunday.
Mayor mentioned how happy they all are that Wauseon is truly up and running for the summer with the pool opened as well as all eight parks being in full use and that they are having the Fireworks.
Council went into Executive Session for the discussion of certain personnel matters involving public employees or officials compensation.
Following the executive session, which went from 5:17-6:27, Mayor Huner made a recommendation that the “Fire Chief and Finance Director be given a 1.5% salary increase effective June 20, and that the Police Chief and the Public Service Director be given a 1. 0% increase effective June 20.”
No action was taken concerning the recommendation, as it is set up that council does not need to approve recommendations for raises.
If they do not deny it by the effective date, the recommendation goes into effect. With no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Rebecca can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com