NEW BUSINESS Council discusses appointing an individual to the open seat that will become available January 1 2024 Council was informed that they will need to make their decision soon for when the time comes
By: Renea Kessler
The Metamora Village Council held their meeting on Monday, December 18th. The meeting began at 8 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council first moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting and reading of the bills.
Under old business, it was mentioned that council will need to decide soon for the open seat that will need filled once Mossing is sworn in as their new mayor.
As for new business, the January meeting was moved from January 17th to January 16th since the meeting conflicts with the Chamber of Commerce meeting.
Next, council approved the second reading of Ordinance 2023-16 approving the county wide Emergency Management Agency Agreement between the Village of Metamora and the Fulton County Emergency Management Agency.
Council also approved Ordinance 2023-19 to amend Title Nine of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Metamora regarding municipal income tax, Ordinance 2023-17 increasing the sewer rates 1% for one year starting January 1, 2024, Ordinance 2023-20 establishing medical, dental, and visual insurance costs for Metamora Village full-time employees and Ordinance 2023-21 employee compensation rates for 2024.
Then, council discussed Sheriff’s Reports of eight complaints and with nothing else left to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The next scheduled meeting will be held December 27th.