VARIANCE HEARING … Council discusses an upcoming variance hearing regarding a resident wanting a fence one foot off the property line instead of the two feet required by the zoning code.
By: Renea Kessler
In a meeting held on Monday, March 17, Adam Vance from the Evergreen Youth Association (EYA) provided an update regarding the ball season for the Village of Metamora.
During the March 5 meeting, there was a discussion about the need for someone to prepare the diamonds. Currently, there is no one assigned to this task, and discussions were held about who would cover the cost.
The council estimated a cost of $700 for the season to have someone prepare the diamonds and agreed that the EYA should be responsible for this expense.
Vance mentioned that the EYA cannot afford to pay for this work as the funds received from registrations are already allocated for equipment, umpires, and other expenses.
Councilman Pupos suggested that, in the future, the EYA might consider increasing registration fees by $10 to cover the cost of diamond preparations for the next season.
However, Vance expressed concerns, highlighting that parents with multiple children participating in the same sporting season already face financial challenges, with fees ranging from $65 to $100 based on age and level.
The possibility of seeking sponsors was also discussed, and Mayor Mossing noted that if they pursued sponsorships, they would need to find a way to acknowledge the contributing businesses.
No final decision was made, as Mayor Mossing decided to discuss the matter further with the chamber to gather additional ideas. Vance will return to the April 7 meeting to receive an update on the issue.
Additionally, the council discussed the upcoming emergency management meeting. Mayor Mossing stated her intention to have someone from FEMA review and finalize the village’s plan of action.
Metamora has not updated its action plan since 2015, and after five years without updates, the village is considered opted out.
Mayor Mossing aims to reinstate a plan of action to ensure that the village is eligible for FEMA funds in case of major incidents.
Other Business
-Council approved minutes and paying of the bills.
-Approved 1st Reading of Ordinance 2025-09: Resolution to proceed to place a 0.5 mill replacement levy on the ballot for the November 4, 2025, election for the park.

-Changed the April 21 meeting to April 23.
-Discussed variance hearing scheduled for April 2 at 6:00 p.m. about a fence permit. A resident is wanting to put fencing 1 foot off property line instead of the 2 feet required by zoning.
-Awarded bid to Thomas Construction for roof repair on the recycling center, costs estimated at $4,061.80.
-Approved purchase of $580 of fish for the reservoir.
-April 1, the village will be celebrating Fulton County 175 so be on the lookout for a schedule of what businesses offer.
With nothing further, the meeting was adjourned, and the next meeting will be April 7 at 7:00 p.m.