BACK TO SCHOOL Millcreek West Unity Board approves various items upon the start of the 2023 2024 school year
By: Amy Wendt
On Monday, August 14 the Millcreek-West Unity Local School Board of Education met for their regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the school library with all Board members present.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call, Superintendent Jim Wyse opened the meeting by welcoming all visitors in attendance including two new teaching staff members Mr. Troy Cummins, 7th and 8th-grade science teacher, and Mr. Bryce Cooley 9th grade science and yearbook teacher.
High School Principal Steve Riley began his report by offering thanks to staff members for all of the time and hard work put into preparing for the upcoming Open House on the 15th and first day of school on Thursday, August 17. Riley also took a moment to introduce new staff members Mr. Cummins and Mr. Cooley.
In the elementary report, Principal Jason Mansfield provided an update to the Board on the “Spirit Shirt” project.
The initiative entails distributing school spirit shirts at no cost to all students in grades K-12 and school staff.
These shirts can be worn at pep rallies, games, and even field trips allowing the opportunity for students and staff to show solidarity.
Furthermore, extra shirts would be kept on hand to welcome new students throughout the year. Local businesses have funded the project and Mansfield anticipates handing out the shirts early in the school year.
Mansfield also shared that a new teacher orientation was held earlier that morning with all new teaching staff members attending.
The Board approved the consent agenda as presented which included the following items:
– Financial Statements and Board of Education Meeting Minutes from July 2023.
– Approved participation in META Solutions Cooperative and authorization to advertise and receive bids on behalf of the School Board for bus purchases from November 1, 2023, through October 31, 2024.
– Approved to raise the district’s Federal Expenditure procurement micro-purchase threshold to $50,000 for Fiscal Year 24.
– Approved 2023 Membership with West Unity Chamber of Commerce.
– Agreement with Wood County Juvenile Detention Center, $85/day, and Juvenile Residential Center of NW Ohio, $90/day, for the 23-24 school year.

– Approved payment for Ingrid Hoffman and Shealyn Brown to attend the Big E Expo Science Fair in West Springfield, MA on September 14-17, 2023.
– Approved various additions and modifications to appropriations.
– Accepted donations from the West Unity American Legion Post for an American Flag and Alvordton United Brethren Church for school supplies.
– Approved employment contracts of Patricia Hart, Janice Bruner, Cristin Hagans, Jennifer Yoh, Vicki Rhodes, Amanda Nofzgier, Desiree Arps, Dan Hurd, Morgan Ward, Michelle Steffe, Steve Riley, Jordan Rupp, Chris Richer, Daniel Baumgartner, Diane Wyse, Abbie Smith, Laura Worline, Abbie Smith, Jen Marvin, Bryce Cooley, and Brian Beatty.
– Approved 2023-2024 school year regular bus routes, Transportation services agreement with North Central Schools for $5.000.00, approved a partnership with North Central schools to transport North Central and Hilltop students to/from Four County, Independence Education Center, Montpelier, Edon, Bryan, and Wauseon and authorized the Transportation Manager and Superintendent to make necessary changes to routes throughout the school year.
– Approved Classified and Certified Substitute Lists for the 2023-2024 school year that are provided and maintained by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center (NwOESC).

– Approved Curriculum for 2023-2024.
– Approved modifications to Elementary Handbook.
– Approved salary schedule advancement to two certified teachers.
– Approved Catherine Royal as an independent contractor.
– Approved Hilltop students to participate in indoor track and field, archery, and esports 23-24 school year.
– Approved an MOU (memorandum of understanding) with the Village of West Unity Police Department for School Resource Officer services for the 2023-2024 school year at the maximum cost of $65,000.

With no further items brought forth by Board members, the meeting was adjourned. The next Millcreek-West Unity Board of Education meeting is slated for September 18, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Amy can be reached at amy@thevillagereporter.com