YEARS OF SERVICE Sarah Carothers received a years of service plaque from Board President Heather Jones
By: Renea Kessler
The Millcreek-West Unity Local Board of Education held their meeting on Monday, December 11th. The meeting began at 6 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Superintendent Jim Wyse gave the superintendent’s report and offered the opportunity for public input for the 2024-2025 school calendar.
The board got a chance to comment on tentative Board Meeting dates for 2024 before Mr. Wyse presented the second reading of the NEOLA policies/updates.
Next came principal’s reports with High School Principal Mr. Riley highlighting a few events that have taken place at the school for the board. There was a staff vs students volleyball and basketball games during an assembly, a guest speaker talked to grades 7-12 about positive attitudes, the Drama Club performed “The Clock Struck One” and student council organized several events to raise money for the Christmas for Kids toy drive.
Elementary Principal Mr. Mansfield talked about the book fair, Veteran’s Day program, Fundraiser reward, 3rd grade fall testing and the 4th grade field trips that had taken place.
The board then went on to approve presented financial statements, minutes from the November 2023 meeting, and the following proposed agenda items.
An unpaid medical leave of up to six weeks for Kara Custar beginning December 21st, 2023. The salary schedule for the Bus Driver/Multi-Task Aides for FY24, FY 25, FY26.
An advancement of salary for Damon Drews to the 150 Hour Index and a list of curriculum and technology software updates for classroom usage.
Also approved were new NEOLA policy revisions and replacements, numerous personnel recommendations, and the NwOESC Classified and Certified Substitute Lists for the second semester of the 2023-2024 school year that were provided and maintained by the NwOESC.
Included in the list of personnel recommendations was the resignation of Superintendent Jim Wyse, effective August 1, 2023, which was approved by the board.
Board member David Chester gave thanks to Mr. Wyse for all of his years of service not only at Hilltop but the other schools he has worked at as well. Mr. Wyse is a very well-respected staff member and he will be missed dearly at Hilltop.
Finally, the board’s president Heather Jones thanked board member Sarah Carothers for all of her dedication and years of service she has put in as a board member, as this meeting was her very last meeting.
In honor of her service, Mrs. Jones handed Mrs. Carothers an appreciation of service plaque for her 12 years of service.
With nothing else left on the agenda, the board adjourned at 6:15 p.m. The next regular board meeting will be Monday, January 8, 2024, following the organizational meeting at 6 p.m.