24 25 OFFICERS Jordan Schaffner Zakk Cammack Libbie Baker Brooke Moreland Levi Cox and Carson Crossgrove
On April 20th 2024, the Millcreek West Unity FFA held their 88th Annual FFA Banquet at 6:00PM in the Commons at Hilltop High School.
The banquet was opened by the 2023-2024 FFA Officer Team, and Shealyn Brown gave thanks for the meal. FFA members and banquet guests were treated to brisket, or a pork chop and side dishes catered by Pettisville Meats, and desserts from The Bake Shop.
After the meal, the award presentation began with the Greenhand Ceremony. Nineteen new members from the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource class were inducted as Greenhands.
From these new Greenhands, Addi Smith and Gracelynn Wiesz were selected as the Star Greenhands. The awards ceremony continued with ten members in the Animal and Plant Science class being awarded their Chapter FFA Degrees.
The Star Chapter Awards were as follows: Star Chapter in Production was Carson Crossgrove, Star Chapter in Agribusiness was Lindee Lammon, Star Chapter in Agricultural Placement was Jordan Schaffner, and Star Chapter in Agriscience were Ingrid Hoffman and Joscelyn Layman.
There were three members from the chapter will receive their State FFA Degree at the State FFA Convention in May. These members were recognized at the banquet: Carson Crossgrove, Ingrid Hoffman, and Brooke Moreland.
The chapter also had two members who will be receiving their American FFA Degree at the National FFA Convention and Expo in November 2024, Ian Hoffman, and Matthew Wyse.
Members were recognized for their participation in Career Development Events (CDEs) throughout the 2023-2024 school year.
These CDEs included: Advanced Parliamentary Procedure, Ag Power Diagnostics, Agriscience Fair, Agronomy, Animal Management, Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Equine Management, Farm Business Management, Floriculture, Forestry, Greenhand Quiz, General Livestock Evaluation, Job Interview, Outdoor Power Equipment, Rural Soil Judging, and Wildlife Management.
From these CDEs, several members were given special awards based on their placing in the District and State. At the District 1 Agriscience Fair, Libbie Baker placed 1st in Social Systems, Ayden Bennett placed 3rd in Power Systems, Rachel Dickinson placed 4th in Environmental/Natural Resource Systems, Conner Sanders placed 2nd in Animal Systems, Grace Serrano placed 4th in Food Systems, Evan Siegel placed 5th in Power Systems, Addi Smith placed 3rd in Food Systems, Hailey Smith placed 3rd in Animal Systems and Peyton Stocklin placed 4th in Power Systems.
Those who competed at the 2023 State and National Agriscience Fairs received special recognition at this year’s banquet. Last May at the State FFA Convention, Ingrid won the Division 5 Food Systems category, Aaden placed 2nd in Division 1 Environmental/Natural Resource Systems category, Joscelyn won the Division 5 Animal Systems category, and Olivia placed 3rd in Division 5 Environmental/Natural Resource Systems category. Ingrid and Joscelyn were eligible to apply for National Agriscience Fair based on their placing at the state level.
At the National FFA Convention and Expo in November it was announced that Ingrid placed 6th in Division 5 Food Systems with her project: “Palatability and Digestibility of Pie Crust Flour”, and Joscelyn placed 5th in Division 5 Animal Systems with her project: Calming Agents Effect on Cortisol Levels of Sus scrofa domesticus During Transportation.
The Ag Power Diagnostics Team of Jordan Schaffner and Lakota Siegel placed 2nd in the district. The Dairy Cattle Evaluation Team placed 3rd in the District with Brian Guillen placing 4th in the district. For Farm Business Management, Levi Cox placed 1st in the district and 18th in the state.
This year’s Forestry competitor, Sam Cox, placed 1st in Districts and 4th at the state level. In the District Job Interview CDE, Ingrid Hoffman placed 3rd in Division IV, Brooke Moreland placed 3rd in Division III and Lakota Siegel placed 1st in Division II. Lakota moved on to the state competition where he was 10th in his division.
For Outdoor Power Equipment, Lakota Siegel placed 2nd individually in the district. The Vet Science team earned 4th place in district competition.
The Wildlife Management team placed 3rd in the district with Sam Cox placing 1st in Districts and 9th in the State individually. Levi Cox also placed 12th in the state in Wildlife Management.
Three of the officers, Shealyn Brown, Levi Cox, and Brooke Moreland, received a gold rating on their Reporter’s, Treasurer’s, and Secretary’s books.
The top three individuals in the 2023- 2024 Millcreek-West Unity Fruit Sales program were given a trophy for their hard work and dedication to the program. These three were Jordan Schaffner, Levi Cox, and Joscelyn Layman.
Members of the 2023 State FFA Band (Olivia Rossman, Conner Sanders) and Choir (Ingrid Hoffman) were recognized for their participation.
Twenty-four members were also recognized for having all A’s in Ag for the first 3 Quarters of the 2022-2023 school year, and twenty-six members were recognized for earning $300 or more in “FFA Bucks” (an incentive program for chapter members who participate in FFA activities).
Shealyn Brown, Sam Cox, Ingrid Hoffman, Joscelyn Layman, Olivia Rossman, and Colton Wood, the seniors in the program, were given special recognition for their time in the FFA program.
Shealyn Brown, Ingrid Hoffman, Joscelyn Layman, Olivia Rossman, and Lakota Siegel were also acknowledged as retiring officers.
The installation of the 2024-2025 officer team began after Senior/Retiring Officer Recognition: President: Brooke Moreland, Vice President: Levi Cox, Secretary: Libbie Baker, Treasurer: Jordan Schaffner, Reporter: Zakk Cammack, and Sentinel: Carson Crossgrove. The banquet closed with Brooke Moreland performing closing ceremonies.
Throughout the year, various companies, organizations, and individuals have supported the members and their growth, and the chapter would like to sincerely thank them for this support!
The Millcreek-West Unity FFA chapter was supported by the following: B&G Outdoor Power Equipment, Ltd, The Cocky Blossom – Mrs. Jess Tracey, Creation Through a Lens Photography – Sam Cox, Edon Farmers Co-op, Farmers and Merchants State Bank, Mrs. Judy Feeny, Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Elaine Frey, Gerald Grain Center Feeds, LLC, Handyman Hardware, Hoffman-Batt Farms – Mr. Matthew Hoffman and Mr. Maurice Batt, Jacoby’s Ole Smokehouse – Miss Cristal Swany, Trueland Equipment, LLC, Lennard Farm Trucking – Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Amanda Lennard, Main Creek Farms, LLC – Mrs. Rose Main, Miller Family Farm – Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Patsy Miller, Pettisville Grain, Rimm-Kleen Systems, Rupp Seeds Inc., Schaffner Farms – Mr. Denny, Kevin, and Austin Schaffner, Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Peggy Short, Siegel Farms – Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Ashley Siegel, Superior Farm Supply, Inc., Mrs. Erin Thiel, Unity Antique Power Club, West Unity Lion’s Club, Wieland Family Farms, LLC. – Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Stacey Wieland, Williams County Beef Producers, Williams County Dairy Association, and Williams County Pork Producers.