PERSONNEL MOVES … Superintendent Travis Lichty explains the motivation behind the new cafeteria supervisor position.
By: Brianna Balogh
The Montpelier Board of Education welcomed government students to observe the meeting held on December 10th. Called to order at 5:30 roll call was taken, all members Jennifer Schlosser, Patti Rockey, Troy Roth, Dunne Gambler and President Nate Rose.
Also attending were the previously mentioned government students, Superintendent Travis Lichty, Treasurer Carla Rice, High School Principal Su Thorp, Elementary Principal Lance Thorp, and Village Council members Chris Kannel and Nathan Thompson, and Village Manager Jason Rockey. A moment of silence was observed followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Chris Kannel was introduced to present as an informative item the intent of the village council to pursue Safe Routes to School funding.
Kannel presented the board with maps outlining the intended route. He explained the dangers of the current path, with many pedestrians walking on the roadway after school or events.
He provided the board with maps of the intended route. The funding from the state would cover 95% of the cost with the village covering 5%, up to $500,000.
The village council is not asking for any monetary commitment from the board of education, just informing them of intent to pursue funding and begin the project.
Schlosser questioned the future maintenance cost, which would eventually fall onto the school, but Kannel assured those costs would occur far into the future, outside of general landscaping upkeep and mowing.
Following the presentation, the meeting schedule for 2025 was presented. A correction was made to the November meeting, stating it could return to normal time. All members accepted the meeting schedule.
With no public comments, the meeting moved along to the legislative report, presented by Patti Rockey. Highlighted in the report was the upcoming vote on the Social Security Fairness Act, which would eliminate a provision that reduces social security payments to some retirees, such as public officials or school teachers. Treasurer Rice presented a letter of support which was signed by President Rose.
Elementary Principal Thorp followed reporting on recent activities in the elementary school. First was the successful grandparents’ day and the Veterans Day program, which seems to grow every year.
On November 13th the blood drive collected 32 total units, with over 40 people signing up to donate. The book fair saw a total of over $18,900, of which the school received half in credits for book purchases.
Early release was last Wednesday which allowed ESC experts to come in and speak. Thorp provided a reminder that the 3rd grade musical would be held next Tuesday, December 17th at the school at 7pm.
Thorp closed by informing of the final days before winter break, spirit week being next week and the final day before break having lots of fun activities planned.
High School Principal Thorp welcomed the government students attending. She touched on the successful Veterans Day program and a recent trip of 100 students to a Toledo Walleye game, spanning from second grade through high school.
Following was a shout out to the winter athletes. Last week, students were presented with the opportunity to work on writing resumes and interviewing.
She also spoke about the successful early release, adding that they had a follow up the next day with the administrative department. Four County welcomed the 10th grade class to explore different programs available.
Sunday was the winter music concert. Winter retesting has started, and fewer students are being seen each year. The musical has been announced as The Wizard of Oz.
Superintendent Lichty followed, updating on the progress at the superintendent’s office to increase functionality.
The consent items presented were senior trip itinerary, cafeteria supervisor positions and extra training days for staff.
Lichty informed the board that the security cameras were all functioning as of the current date. Phones and PA systems are both set to be installed and functional on January 2nd.
Lichty spoke on the recent early release day, indicating the goal is to teach to the curriculum not for testing and providing teachers with resources to help guide their instruction. Lichty finished with enrollment figures.
Next item is the treasurer’s report, presented by Rice. First was a recommendation to accept the updated amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission for the fiscal year 2025. This revision is necessary to adjust the Bond millage for the final collection amount.
Moving business along, the minutes from November 5 were accepted. The following items were included in the financial reports.
First was the approval of the financial report for the month of November including the bank reconciliation, cash summary report, distribution report, budget vs. actual report, and investment report.
Second was the approval to receive donations as follows: $720 to track, $500 to National Honor Society, $500 to Junior High Student Council all from civic league, $100 to wrestling from the Mason family, $3,011.10 to the High School Principal fund from Miller’s New Market.
Next was the recommendation previously discussed in the treasurer’s report. The final recommendation was to advance $ 3,823.85 to the athletic fund from the general fund and the transfer of $700 from the choir fund to the Music Department Trip Fund. The first advance is to be paid back as soon as the athletic fund balance allows.
Next items of business centered around staff. Lichty presented the recommendation for new cafeteria supervisor, effective January 2nd with a starting salary of $43,828.13.
Following was recommendation for high school boys basketball volunteer and junior high wrestling coaches.
Lastly were the previously mentioned extra training days over the regularly scheduled days at a rate of $18.25 per hour. Rockey questioned the salary for the cafeteria supervisor for only 198 days, and if both positions were needed previously.
Lichty explained the combination of two positions was to streamline and this led to the salary amount, still well under what the salary of both previous positions were.
Several board members raised points including that this would be a supervisor position entailing more responsibilities.
This would be an eight hour a day position, leaving a two-hour per day opening that Lichty joked he may be filling himself in January. All recommendations were passed.
Other business was next on the agenda, with several items to approve. Approval of the organizational meeting for January 14th at 5:15pm, with the regular meeting to follow, was first.
Following was a resolution to proclaim January 2025 as School Board Recognition Month. Two trips were up for approval next, an overnight wrestling trip and the senior trip to Chicago in March.
Petty cash funds followed with the athletic fund $2,500, district office fund $75.00, elementary building change fund $75.00, high school/junior high building change fund $75.00, athletic office fund $1,500, football field concession stand change fund $500, and concession stand change fund $600.00.
Next was the approval for the treasurer agreement with Northwest Ohio ESC. Recommendation to approve the appointment of Kris Pritchard to the Board of Trustees of Montpelier Public Library for a service term of seven years, beginning January 1, 2025.
The final recommendation was to approve the revised job description for the cafeteria supervisor. Rockey questioned the exact numbers and identities of chaperones being provided to the board prior to approval.
Lichty explained that it is highly dependent on a multitude of factors, such as student ages and field trip location. Many of these details are not finalized until closer to the trip date. All recommendations were passed.
The last item was the appointment of a president pro-tem for the organizational meeting on January 14th, which Nate Rose was appointed to. A motion to move into executive session was made by Schlosser and approved by all at 6:29pm.